Friday, June 26, 2015

What is the perfect ticket for Democrats in 2016 ?

What is the perfect ticket for Democrats in 2016? How about Hillary Clinton and Pope Francis? I mean both are left-winger believing it's clash between the rich and poor and government has duty it lesser the gap. Of course, both live in a ivory tower, far to educated to understand real life and government action to help the poor often hurts the poor. Both believe mass politics which goes against the soul of the United States. It is understandable the Pope doesn't get America( the U.S) after all, the U.S was rooted in Protestantism, distrust of central power and that state must rule with consent of govern And of course, this all dates back to England and Glorious Revolution of 1688, one of most underated historical events, when the King James II was overthrow by Parliament and replaced by William and Mary. Now this mark a change in how we governed, first the end of absolute Monarchy( Divine Right of Kings), the King's power could be check by Parliament Of course, James being Catholic and bring back bad memories of Mary Tudor, where Catholicism would force on people even killing those who prefer the Protestantism.The Bill of Rights was passed by Parliament in 1689:it make sure no Catholic would seat on English throne again, the right of petition was reinstated .The belief that no one is above the law and government aren't about men ,but rather law comes about because of the Glorious Revolution.        

Thursday, June 25, 2015

No ko for Obamacare thanks to Chief Justice Roberts.

It's strange world twice Obamacare has been saved by Chief Justice Roberts. John Roberts was not only appointed by President George W. Bush, I think Obama voted against but I'm not sure, but Obama in the State Union speech a few years ago really went after Roberts for citizens united decision, which stated corporation had free hand, more or less, to donate to political campaigns.
I think Roberts is worry about Juridical independent many on the Left and Right want courts to nothing more then a shallow to support there position .There believe in Judicial Review only when it serves there cause. Roberts understood that once Obama was reelected Obamacare was done deal.The Right says the people don't support it ,however, Obama was elected President twice and was passed by Congress. Now many on Right condemn the court for legislating from bench, other words over turning   laws passed by Congress and signed by the President but that's what wanted to do with Obamacare.
Juridical independent is key to free society it's often attack both on Left and Right.        

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Was Dylann Roof following in John Brown's footsteps?

Was Dylann Roof following in John Brown's footsteps? I know it sounds  crazy; after all, John fought to free Black people and of course Dylann Roof was a White Supremacist, who murder nine black people in a church, in a way mocking Christianity. However in a ungodly way ,a similarity that drove both man, and that is violence is the only way to change society. That's not true but all honesty John Brown, alone with many other factors help create the Civil War, which of course was violent but to lead to freeing of slaves, henceforth, promoting social change but there are many examples are social change happing with violence!       

Friday, June 19, 2015

I got a letter to the editor published in the NY Post on 6/17/15 on Rachel Dolezal the white woman who claimed to be black.

I got a letter to the editor published in the New York Post on 6/17/15, on Rachel Dolezal the White Woman who claimed she was Black.
This is what appeared in the paper: "No doubt Rachel Dolezal, a white woman became a black woman because of white privilege. How does that make sense? In this topsy-turvy world, it does; after all, we live in a world where being a victim is a badge of honor and the world marches to the beat of ingratiating itself in very mindless way with people who get goodies to right past wrongs. But aren't two wrongs two wrongs?"

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Who was the only Vice-President of the U.S to be charged with treason?

Who was the only Vice-President of the U.S to be charged with treason? Now the Left-wing hate America bunch would say it should Dick Cheney, indeed, the New York Times, that source of great nonsense, had editorial Cheney should be changed as war criminal and the U.N agrees. Of  course, Cheney's crime isn't being a traitor to U.S but loving the U.S
Some might say Spiro Agnew, yes it's true Agnew was force to resign as Vice-President facing  criminal charges for taking bribes but not treason.
No, you have to go back to just about the becoming of the Republic to our third Vice-President Aaron Burr. An interest man, but had the devil inside maybe because he was grandson Jonathan Edwards the hell fire Presbyterian Preacher.
Burr was a man of great ambition but little or no belief, he become the boss of New York politics, indeed, one could say he founded Tammany Hall. Well, in the election of 1800 then Vice-President Thomas Jefferson who was running for President knew New York was key to his victory,henceforth, he team up with Burr so he would carry New York, which he did, however, the problem was both got 74 electoral votes, before the Twelve Amendment candidates for President didn't run as team, who got most electoral votes got Presidency and second got the Vice-President office provided they got majority. When Jefferson and Burr were the top vote getting but tie, the election went to House of Rep. where it remain deadlock until Alexander Hamilton back his arch-enemy Jefferson.
Of course, a few years later Burr had duel with Hamilton kill him and just about Burr's political career was over. Burr was man of great ambition he could no longer rule the United States, so why spilt the Western U.S off created a new country He got Great Briton to go alone until the English got government as Fox as foreign minster who recalled Anthony Merry as the U.K's representative to the U.S. Then a high U.S general Jams Wilkinson, who was in on the attempt to create a new nation, panic and told Jefferson of the attempt. The conspires base was in Ohio, an island own by Harman Blennerhassett, they were arrested, however, Burr was there, most likely  save him from a conviction, although he was arrested for treason , but government couldn't prove he acted overly, indeed, the verdict, so left handed, stating the government didn't prove it's case. But most people (and believe rightly so although the verdict was correct according to the law and Chief Justice Marshall rule correctly according to the law) thought Burr a traitor.
After the trial Burr left country, looking to enrich himself and flee credits,. Came back to U.S and late in life marry a rich woman( Jumel), but she saw though Burr and divorce him. Burr died a year in 1836, poor and disgraced.                 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I got a letter to the editor publish today on Bruce Jenner.

I got a letter to the editor publish today in the New York Post on Bruce Jenner. This is what appeared today in paper(the New York Post):" I know I am a voice in the wilderness, but I'm very disappointed in Bruce Jenner.
Why? Well, he and I have something in common. No, I don't plan to do what Jenner has. I was born a man, and I will die a man.
What we have in common is dyslexia. Indeed, the only good documentary I have seen on dyslexia was done by Bruce Jenner.
He would have served society far better by making the public even more aware and understanding of dyslexia, instead of this gender transitioning.
But that would take a word verboten in the Me Society and that world s sacrifice.
We are obsessed as a people with the word happiness.
People should be less self-absorbed and more concerned with others; we are only on this earth for a short time. Thus, we should serve a higher force than our ourselves.
Being selfish should not make one a paragon of virtue."