Friday, June 26, 2015

What is the perfect ticket for Democrats in 2016 ?

What is the perfect ticket for Democrats in 2016? How about Hillary Clinton and Pope Francis? I mean both are left-winger believing it's clash between the rich and poor and government has duty it lesser the gap. Of course, both live in a ivory tower, far to educated to understand real life and government action to help the poor often hurts the poor. Both believe mass politics which goes against the soul of the United States. It is understandable the Pope doesn't get America( the U.S) after all, the U.S was rooted in Protestantism, distrust of central power and that state must rule with consent of govern And of course, this all dates back to England and Glorious Revolution of 1688, one of most underated historical events, when the King James II was overthrow by Parliament and replaced by William and Mary. Now this mark a change in how we governed, first the end of absolute Monarchy( Divine Right of Kings), the King's power could be check by Parliament Of course, James being Catholic and bring back bad memories of Mary Tudor, where Catholicism would force on people even killing those who prefer the Protestantism.The Bill of Rights was passed by Parliament in 1689:it make sure no Catholic would seat on English throne again, the right of petition was reinstated .The belief that no one is above the law and government aren't about men ,but rather law comes about because of the Glorious Revolution.        

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