Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Again Rush Limbaugh got it wrong.

Heard Rush Limbaugh on radio, just for moment or two, because is information(except on the Left bias of the media) so often so ill informed and just wrong I can't take it. Today he starts about the Supreme Court in Oklahoma ruling a Ten Commands tablets,  on state capitals ground must be removed. Well I think people have right to be upset with such decision but Limbaugh went too far and give wrong information. He talk impeaching justices who voted to remove the Ten Commands and went on say the founding father supported the idea of impeaching judges who's politics or decisions they don't like. Well, maybe Limbaugh needs a history lesson, the only U.S Supreme Court Judge impeached was Samuel Chase( I think in 1806) he was acquitted by the Senate because he was impeached for politics. Chase was very much a Federalists and Thomas Jefferson want out because Marbury v. Madison the court establish the principle of judicial review and Chief Justice Marshall, who was real target of the Chase impeachment would use judicial review to push forward Federalists policies. Well the Senate at the time was overwhelming Democratic-Republican( Jefferson's party) but enough Democratic-Republican voted not guilty that Chase was acquitted setting forth principle that judges aren't to be impeached because politics or decisions.  

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