Thursday, July 16, 2015

George W. Bush might not have brains,but he had more guts then Ted Cruz or many Right-wing blow hearts running for President.

George W. Bush might not have brains, but he had more guts then Ted Cruz or many of the other Right-Wing blow hearts that running for President. and we a President with guts today, a man or women not afraid to say they will put boots on ground and indeed do it for the only way wipe ISIS out is with American boots on ground.
I hear Cruz on T.V talk show, he's phony talks out both sides of he's mouth. He attacks Obama for being a weak leader but sound like him, no boots on ground for him air power is way to go, yeah afraid of public opinion turning against you. That's not leadership unwilling to unpopular stands for good of nation. Leadership is often lonely and takes guts, of course, the great example of that was Winston Churchill, for he saw evil and going against public opinion to fight evil. Remember what the great British Statesmen Edmund Burke said," all that takes evil to triumph is for good to do nothing."

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