Sunday, July 12, 2015

Is Professor Joseph J. Ellis an idiot?

I was watching T.V this morning, and on I think c-span Professor Joseph J. Ellis shown an incredible lack history , when he said Citizen v. United was second worst decision in U.S history, Dred Scott being the worst. Citizen v. United the second worst, give my break, it might bad decision, but second worst in America History. The Left has cow over Citizen v. United but in reality it's much to do about nothing and the Left with holly fight against money politics, and even corporate money, is full of holes. Obama refused public financing twice, Hillary doesn't have problem rising  money and God knows where it comes from.
Professor Ellis decried originalists ,like  Scalia , that judges should only use case law(stare decisis), precedent and he went on say he doesn't think Brown v. Board of Education would be revised by the originalists .But they is problem in what said, for if the court used stare decisis  (case law) in Brown v. Board of Education the Board of Education would have won, because of Plessy v. Ferguson,which the last case before Brown on segregation which upheld segregation.
I mean, this guy Ellis was so full of himself and full of it yet he's well respected  professor of American History yes a lot abut schools and ain't good.        

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