Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Our first Ambassador to India was Henry F. Grady, he was also our man in Greece during the beganing of the Cold War.

Thought out history there are man who mark great on this earth but over time are quickly forgotten. Such is case of Henry F. Grady. Mr. Grady started off his public career as aid to Herbert Hoover, when Hoover Sec. of Commerce from 1921-1928 and in 1928, of course, Hoover was elected President.
In 1945 President Truman appointed Grady to be his personal rep. to Allied Commission superving the Greek election. Now this might surprise people but maybe Grady was appointed because of good words from Hoover. Truman and Hoover where good friends. Of course, the Cold War started in Greece and Iran. So Truman must have had a regard for Grady. For also appointed him to be our first Ambassador to India in 1947 which he was until 1948 when he become our Ambassador to Greece which he was until 1950, when he become our Ambassador to Iran until 1951.
Also in 7/1946 he come up with a plan along with British Foreign Minster Morrison for Palestine. The plan was called, "The Morrison Grady Plan" it called for Federalization under a British Trusteeship, the plan was rejected both by the Jews and Arabs.   

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