Sunday, October 11, 2015

The hypocrisy of the Global Citizen Festival.

Ding-dong we see the march of the phonies with the Global Citizen Festival. Oh yes, its nice to see lovely Beyoncé strut her stuff, but what does that have to do with ending world poverty? Nothing! indeed,many things there advocate will make would make world poverty worse! For example, I am sure there hate a company like Monsanto, yet companies like Monsanto will make the food supply more plentiful, hence, lowing the cost of food and it's the poor that will benefit the most from lower food prices.
Then there is global warming, lets say there are right about Global Warming, scientists who believe in Global Warming( and not all do) tell us even if governments stick to ther promises to reduce carbon emission that would only reduce the temperature   two degrees,however, electric bills would raise far more than that and who will pay for higher electric bill? The poor will pay the piper. People like Beyoncé, Hugh Jackman, Stephen Colbert can afford to pay higher electric bills but the rest of us will be left to sweat. 

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