Friday, October 30, 2015

Got a letter published in the New York Post today on the Republican debate on CNBC.

Got a letter to the editor published in New York Post today( 10/30/15) on the Republican debate on CNBC. This is what appear in the:" The lame-stream media was really on display the debate.
 The big loser in Wednesday night's Republican debate was the panel of three moderators.
  Not only were they bias and unprofessional, they also lost control of the debate like I've never seen before.
   All and all, the debate was a food fight not between the candidates, but rather, between the candidates and three moderators. Maybe next time, adults will be the moderators."
These are words of my edited out of letter: As the Sun raises so did the Cubans (Maro Rubio and Ted Cruz) and Jersey Boy (Chris Christie).
Jeb Bush try to bush-whack Rubio but it backfired. Uncle Ben (Carson) was OK and the dump Trump movement didn't gain ground but didn't lose ground either.

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