Sunday, November 8, 2015

The dye was casted for future troubles in Mid-East with collapse of the Ottoman Empire

There is much misinformation about Mid-East, the U.S role in that area, and what cause 9/11. Now social media, Google plus I seem post state Iran-Contra was cause 9/11 another stating U.S meddling in area for last fifty. All this is nonsense,the modern Mid-East really started after WW1 when the Ottoman Empire went bye-bye and somebody had pick up pieces.And would be the British and French.
There were two documents that would change the region forevermore: one Balfour Declaration( promising a homeland for the Jews) the second was Sykes-Picot Agreement. In Georgina Howell book," Gertrude Bell queen of the Desert, shaper of nations" page 307 it states," Now too Arabs had learnt of the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 which parceled up the Middle East between Briton, France and Russian! The Sykes-Picot was betray of Arabs who Brit had promise an Arab independent State if fought  the Ottoman's.
Faisal ibn Hussain had fought beside T.E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) for Arab freedom and had giving up his father's claim to be king Palestine( indeed, he supported the Balfour Declaration as did Lawrence but not Gertrude Bell) for exchange to king of greater Arab state called Greater Syria. Faisel was king of greater Syria for a year then French step in and took over, I think as a consolation prize Faisal was made king of Iraq, a country largely created by Gertrude Bell. Faisal bother Abdullah was made king of another new country Transjordan.
Lawrence never forgive the French for betray of the Greater Syria not going to Arabs.
The Balfour Declaration was a debt paid to Chaim Weizman who was British citizen, a chemist who invented an explosive which help the British greater in WW1 but Weizman  refused payment instead he asked the government to support a homeland for Jews. Curiously in British cabinet only person to vote against the Balfour Declaration was Edwin Montagu who was the only Jew in the cabinet.  

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