Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Got a Letter to the Editor,published on 3/8/2016 in the Record about Romney's speech.

Got a letter to editor, published on 3/8/2016 in the Record (the largest newspaper in Northern New Jersey) about Romney's speech.
This is what appeared in the newspaper:" If John F. Kennedy were around today to write his book," Profiles in Courage," Mitt Romney on the strength of his speech last week in Utah would deserve a chapter.
For Romney gave a clarion call for sanity in this rather insane political year for Republicans.
Oh, yes some on the right denounce Romney, but Romney is trying to save Republicans from themselves. What is ironic is that the right-wing echo chamber is doing what the left would love to do: destroy conservatism.
You can see that Donald Trump isn't in the mold of Ronald Reagan. He is in the mold of former radio commentator Father Charles Coughlin and former Louisiana politician Huey Long, both of whom appealed to the worst in people. Demigods like Trump can rise quickly, but it doesn't last, and when they fall, not only do they go they go down, but so do their followers."

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