Thursday, March 17, 2016

What happen in 1968 when lame duck President had a Justice resign.

Earl Warren resigned as Chief Justice of the U.S on 6/26/1968 because he did not want Richard Nixon to pick the next Chief Justice. Which was kind strange, since Nixon and Warren were political allies of sorts in California and friends( that is if Richard Nixon had any friends).
In fact on 2/13/1956 Richard Nixon called the Supreme Court decision on school desegregation an great accomplishment for Eisenhower administration- He made this claim because the decision had been delivered by "a great Republican Chief Justice, Earl Warren."
Both  Abe Fortas and Thornberry withdrawn there names because couldn't be conformed.     
Abe Fortas, who Johnson pick to replace Warren, was brilliant Lawyer no question, indeed, he was council for Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) which established a right to council to everybody change with felony. Fortas was hated by the right because he often defended underdogs in society, however, he did have ethical problems, a story on Life Magazine   appeared by Fortas had taken $20,000 a year for life from Louis Wolfson, who was under investigation. This not only lead to Fortas withdrawning from Chief Justice position but resigning from court it's self, he had been an associate justice.

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