Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Is wild man Langer left-wing populism making a comeback ?

Is wild man Langer's left-wing populism making a comeback? Who was William (wild man) Langer?
A U.S Senator from North Dakota (from 1941-1959) believe or not a Republican( of sorts today he might be called a RINO) an isolationist, supported most of New Deal.
I believe Langer was youngest men to from Columbia University. After that he return to North Dakota and allied himself with the Non-Partisian League (NPL). The NPL was a farmer's alliance taking a anti-war stand and supporting the nationalization of grain elevator and railways and believe or not it took over the Republican Party, years later in 1956 to merge with Democrat party.
Langer an unorthodox politician, to say the least, won the governorship running as Republican in 1932 but endorsing Franklin D. Roosebelt for President.In 1934 the state Supreme Court removed him from office on the charge that he unlawfully sought campaign contribution  from state employers. The action, later overturned by a federal court, but damage is his name, but still won election as governor in 1936 and senator in 1940( very much against the war) 1946 ( only one of three senators that voted against the U.S joining the U.N) and again in 1952 and become a thron on side of Eisenhower Administration.  

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