Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Will scandal undo Hillary Clinton?

Will scandal undo Hillary Clinton? Not likely! Look at history: in 1964 Barry Goldwater try to wrap Johnson relationship with Bobby Baker and Walter Jenkins.Indeed, I remember as child,in the schoolyard P.S 98 murmur was Lyndon,Baker, Jenkins stands for LBJ.
Bobby Baker was Johnson right hand man in Senate,change with corruption, Walter Jenkins was Johnson chief of staff, he was arrested in men's room having sex with a boy. Johnson win by landslide, because Goldwater was seems as far Right-winger.
Now election of 1972, McGovern try paint Nixon with scandal but Nixon win by landslide, again McGovern was seem as far Left-winger his main domestic program was 100 percent tax on inherence over a $100,000 to me that is Communism and most Americans at the time agree.   

Denmark cuts economic forecast because of Britexit. Apple fined 14.5 billion. Case-Shiller maybe trouble ahead for economic.

Denmark cuts economic forecast because of Britexit.
Apple fined by the EU, for Irish tax dodge.
Case-Shiller index shows real estate still going up by at slower pace, maybe a sign of economic downturn.
Will Fed raise interest in Sept. ? I don't think so, I think they will wait until the Presidential election is over: because interest hike might lead stock market to take hit which would help Trump,so in a way, I can't blame them for hold off raising rate until after the election,Trump is a nut job.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Best Buy up and J.M Smucker down

A bigger winning today in Stock Market is Best Buy, up about 5 dollar and 17 percent gain,not bad stock declare die by analysts. I few years ago, I brought Best Buy at 14, when everybody said it was headed for graveyard. A few ago years,on it's death watch,  it was best performer in S&P
But I did make big mistake buying Peabody Energy Barron's ran story a few years ago, when Peabody was 35 that in three years it could be 70. Well last I look Peabody was about buck, but less it had reverse split( I think something like 15 to1) so it's price is like 20 cents- w2hat a loser!
Today's loser is good company J.M Smucker down almost 12 a 8 percent lose in value.Strange it has good dividend about 2 and half yield, very safe, and defence play food must be brought no matter the bad economy times.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

John McLaughlin R.I.P

John McLaughlin died today at age 89, good long life. Best know as the host of McLaughlin Group, but before he have colorful career. Started out as Jesuit Priest, then ran for U.S Senate in Rhode  Island against John Pastore, a gothic figure in Rhode Island politics. McLaughlin got creamed but grutten for punishment he then work in Nixon White House as speechwriter In 1971( I think) 60 minutes did story on him, which show me the bias- left-wing bias- in the media. For harp on fact he worn very expensive business suits. I mean they wouldn't do story on very Left-wing priest Father Drinan who worn his collar, and in a way by wearing his collar Drinan was stating his moral superiority,never mind that if Drinan was man of Right the media would have harp on separation of Church and State.    

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The ghost of Margaret Chase Smith lives in Susan Collins.

The ghost of Margaret Chase Smith lives in Susan Collin. Both ladies residence in Maine,Smith has been die for many years,but was the U.S Senator from Maine for many years,Collin is still the U.s Senator from Maine. Both denounce demagogues in there own party: in Smith's case it was Joseph McCarthy,in Collin's case to was Donald Trump.
Margaret Chase Smith was first woman consider for spot on national ticket. When a reporter ask her,what would she do if she found herself awaking up in White House? She reply,first I would apologize to Mrs. Truman then go home.
Joseph McCarthy had sense of humor too! 7 other Republican Senator denounce McCarthy too! McCarthy relied, there where snow white(Margaret Chase Smith) and the 7 dwarfs.  

Saturday, August 6, 2016

The Bank of England cuts it's prime rate to near zero.

The Bank of England cut it's prime rate to .25 could Negative interest rates be around the corner? In the 300 years history of the Bank of England this is lowest interest have been.
In the U.S is a negative yield curve around the corner? And if so is sign a recession around the corner?
A negative yield curve is when short term rates are higher then long term rates and while we haven reach it yet the yield curve is flatten.
But sign for  stock the other day I saw new highs over two hundred while new low were under 20. 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Donald Trump bigotry is his game.

Poor Donald he inspire us to be so nasty,but fruit is beginning to rot and he will leave the Right to soak in his bigory. He call a Judge born in Indiana a Mexican. Somebody I know called Mr.Khan, who was insulted by Trump a Pakistani (no doubt taken from Right-wing talk radio. Well Mr.Khan is American citizen,a lawyer and knows a lot more then that idiot Trump on U.S Constitution. And son give ultimate price for America.Yet this person calls him a Pakistani Trump has given America much, his taken a lot and should honor Mr.Khan and his son
This morning watching MSNBC a former Trump aid, said Mexican heroin. Well most heroin isn't grow in Mexico,87 percent comes out Afghanistan and either it ship directly to the U.S or it's brought in the northern U.S( places like New England and Ohio) though Canada and if don't believe me just look at map. Yet nobody complains about Canadian border. Why? Does word racist come to mind?