Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The ghost of Margaret Chase Smith lives in Susan Collins.

The ghost of Margaret Chase Smith lives in Susan Collin. Both ladies residence in Maine,Smith has been die for many years,but was the U.S Senator from Maine for many years,Collin is still the U.s Senator from Maine. Both denounce demagogues in there own party: in Smith's case it was Joseph McCarthy,in Collin's case to was Donald Trump.
Margaret Chase Smith was first woman consider for spot on national ticket. When a reporter ask her,what would she do if she found herself awaking up in White House? She reply,first I would apologize to Mrs. Truman then go home.
Joseph McCarthy had sense of humor too! 7 other Republican Senator denounce McCarthy too! McCarthy relied, there where snow white(Margaret Chase Smith) and the 7 dwarfs.  

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