Thursday, July 31, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published in New York Post today-about Joe Torre's snub of George Steinbrenner.

Got a letter to the editor published today in the New York Post.It was about Joe Torre giving a speech at the Hall of Fame ceremony and not mentioning(giving thanks) to George Steinbrenner in the speech.
This is what I wrote,"Steinbrenner,whether in heaven or hell,is paying for his sins,for he ain't the boss no more.
Now,to add insult to injury,he is snubbed at the Hall of Fame ceremony by Joe Torre.And one can just imagine the former boss with great ire saying:"Say it ain't so,Joe!" 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Wilbur Ross to invest heavy in the Bank of Cyprus

Wilbur Ross,well know buyer of distress asset,is buying stock in the Bank of Cyprus.Of course,a few years ago the bank had liquidity problem,deposit over 100,000 euros where siege,evently the deposers were given stock in the bank.
Curiously in these time most sieges of deposit where from Russian.The Bank still has close relation with Russian,indeed,it's branches are only in Cyprus and Russian.
Interest the other day a Russian Steel company sold two plants in America to Steel Dynamic(an American Company started by Mitt Romney) for over 2 billion dollar.Now why did the Russian company do that? Maybe Putin want to move in wood have less asset out the country,or maybe the owner want to get there money out and put it in foreign bank say the Bank of Cyprus.

Is Sarah Palin crazy or crazy like a fox?

Is Sarah Palin crazy or crazy like a fox? When Sarah Palin went on Fox News about week ago and said President Obama should be impeached,I thought(which usually leads to headaches)myself Palin is either an idiot or desperately seeking attention.Well it turns out she is starting a TV Web show,charging 10 dollar a month to subscibers.So maybe she is crazy like fox.But it's all about Sarah don't you know,for Ms.Palin cares little about the conservative movement(indeed she cares more about bowl movements)or the Republican.

Friday, July 25, 2014

The great divide in the Republican Party isn't the establishment versus the conservatives no but rather the conservatives versus the populist.

The great divide in the Republican Party isn't the establishment versus the conservatives,but rather,the conservatives versus the populist. The Tea Party isn't conservatives it's populist,for example a conservatives would pro-business pro-corporate,the Tea Party is none of that,indeed,their rhetoric often sounded quite socialist.Government must brend to will,comprise is alien idea to those people of the Tea Party.Indeed,the Tea Party just maybe the death of conservatism and the Republican Party.

Argentina broke,Statoil(Norway's oil company)doubles profits,Germany confidence down.

Argentina broke,Statoil(Norway state control oil company) doubles profit,Germany's business confidence index down.
Argentina near default on bonds,so what else is new?
Statoil(Norway's state control oil company,the state doesn't own a hundred percent of Statoil,indeed,you could buy their shares on the NYSE) doubt the promise of shale oil,curious story in that a story has appeared that Scotland has much promise of shale oil,however,maybe a rumor to get people to vote for independence,North oil is at peak? What would Scotland do if separates from U.K for currency? Can't use Pound,Bank of England said no.EU says maybe not admitted to the,hence, can not use Euro as currency.
Germany confidence business index down maybe not such a wonderland.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

A good time to invest in Russia?

A good time to invest in Russia? You must crazy to invest in Russia or maybe crazy as a fox? Lord Rothschild once said the time to make money is when there is blood in the street.A few weeks ago gold bug Jim Grant said Gazprom was good stock to buy.However, back in 1917 Noble sold his monopoly on Russia oil to the Rothschilds,henceforth,Russia of course had revolution and Rothschilds sold their interest to Standard Oil of New Jersey in 1922 bad deals only Noble make the smart move so somethings blood in street doesn't work out,but most times it does.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Are Rand Paul and Obama perfect together?

Are Rand Paul and Obama perfect together? I think so,both believe America should shrink from it's foreign obligation,they both see  America as an force of evil and aliens forces to democracy serve the interest of the world.Both believe in legalize drug and same sex marriage,indeed,perhaps Paul and Obama should get marry.
Now nonsense written about foreign policy,for example in my local paper the Record a columnist and from Philly(although he sounded silly)cable show guy(I think on CNN) who claims to be a conservative,but isn't wrote that Obama's foreign is like Nixon and maybe Reagan's.And heard Paul claim he's foreign is like Reagan:WHAT NONSENSE!!!
Nixon and Reagan like most American Presidents(although Reagan was most successful in history:after all when you win a war without firing a bullet that's pretty remarkable thing)were Wilsonians the opposite of Paul and Obama.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published on 7/13/14 in the (Bergen) Record.On school over crowding

On 7/13/14,Sunday I got a letter to the editor published in the (Bergen) Record.THe headline(not my words)was "Growth coming too fast in Fort Lee." This is what was published of my words:"The rise of school enrollment in Fort Lee is the beginning of the end for quality of life in the borough.
Overdevelopment is like a ticking time bomb.At first,you don't notice the difference in your community,but over time the quality that made your community unique disappears in front of your eyes,and soon you feel like a stranger in a strange land.
What you have in Fort Lee is a rush to develop without any thought about how the community will be affected by this unrestrained growth.And with one party rule in Fort Lee,there is no debate or questioning of policy.
I'm sure officials have the best intentions in mind,but as the old saying goes,"the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Some explanations:Fort Lee has been ruled for at least twenty years by a Democratic Party machine.Last year I ran for city council,as a Republican and lost.My message was overdevelopment will ruin Fort Lee.Well,to quote a Democrat Ed Koch the people didn't vote for me,now they must be punish.  

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

On Monday 7/7/14 O'Reilly read a letter of my on his program.

On Monday 7/14/14 Bill O'Reilly read a letter of my on his program,at the of show he often reads e-mail he received by e-mail.This was read on the air,"Laura Ingraham's plan to round up illegal aliens for mass deportations would turn the Republican Party into the Know Nothing Party.We are not a police state."
Edited out was first line stated Ms.Laura  Ingraham should trade in her Cross for a Swastika.Laura wears a big Cross(maybe to bear) but she's mocks the Cross with nastiness,I think born out bitterness toward life because she can't have children.
Background: Laura Ingraham came on O'Reilly show a few days before my letter was read:she said all illegal aliens should deported sounds like something that the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.
A little history lesson about the Know Nothing Party:In 1840's there was much immigrants,mostly Irish Catholics and a lot people saw this as threat to the Republic,henceforth,secret societies grew though out the nation.There platform was only native born Americans should hold public office and 25 year residence qualification for citizenship.They got name Know Nothing because they were secret societies when ask to name there members they said they know nothing.
Anyway in 1850's they came out of shadows and formed a party the American Party:almost won control New York in 1854,in 1856 former President Millard Fillmore ran for President on the American Party line(the Know Nothings) only carry Maryland.The Know Nothings went same route
as the Wing over the same issue slavery-split the two parties up the middle.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Eduard Shevardnaze R.I.P

On 7/8/14 a voice for decency ,restrained and freedom from the past died,believe or not,a soviet official who was more like prince is no longer with us for Eduard Shevardnadze is die.The man  who saw evils of it's ways of the Soviet and alone with Boris Yeltsin try to bring demonica force of communism to it's heels and free the people's souls but good work is unnoticed today and much of good work has been revised.Mikhail Gorbachev(who Shevardnadze was his foreign Ministry)try saved the Soviet Union by putting a human face it,but the face was too ugly and Yeltsin and Shevardnadze saw that it was time for the Soviet Union to go,unfortunately Putin believes this was great lose for man. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Is Sarah Palin a moron or is she trying to get back in spotlight?

A few days ago,on Sean Hannity T.V show Sarah Palin said Obama should be impeached! I said,to myself(the most wise man I know) Palin is either a moran or she trying to get back spotlight! Just discussing impeaching Obama is stupid,it save Obama from himself,like the Clinton impeachment and like Senator Flake(who unlike Palin is no flake) said it would be distraction.These people on the Right never from their mistakes.This strategy of charge of Light Brigade,may be very romantic and fire in people's bellies,at the end of day your soldiers are dead! You now I admirer Ronald Reagan very much,he did so many remarkable and one was keeping the Right-wing loonies off the radar screen,unfortunately because talk radio they have reappear,hence,hurting the Republican Party and Conservative movement,which is now confused with populism.
But maybe Sarah Palin care about anything but herself? Maybe she just wants to get back in the spotlight? Norman Podhoretz-once Lefty,now a Righty- wrote in his memior "Making It"(published in 1968) you say outragous things to get notice.I mean,media will follow any fool for sensationalism because it sells.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A letter to the editor I got published today(7/8/14) in NY Post on great Presidents.

Today 7/8/14 I got letter to the editor published in the New York Post on great presidents.This is what appeared in the paper:"Reagan is not only the greatest president since World War Two,but of the 20th century.The only presidents greater than Reagan are George Washington,Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson-plus James Polk,because when you win a war without firing a bullet,that's a pretty remarkable thing.
I think both Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower should rated higher than either Clinton or Kennedy.Eisenhower,William McKinley and Polk are most underated presidents in history."

My letter was in respond to poll asking who was greatest president since World War Two.Reagan come in first,than Clinton and Kennedy.

Friday, July 4, 2014

A letter to the editor I got published in the NY Daily News on 7/4/14 about words,stirring word from Calvin Coolidge

I got a letter to the editor,published in the New York Daily News,today 7/4/14 about words,stirring words from Calvin Coolidge.This is what apeared in the paper:On this Fourth of July,our nation's birthday,I think the words of a former President born on July 4,Calvin Coolidge,define what we hope to be as Americans.
On Jan. 17, 1924 in front of the American Society of Newspaper Editors,Coolidge said these stirring words:
"It is only those who do not understand our people who believe that our people who believe that our national life is entirely absorbed by material motives.
We make no concealment of the fact that we want wealth,but there are many other things that we wantvery much more.
We want peace and honor and that charity which is so strong an element of all civilization.
The chief idea of the American people is idealism.I cannot repeat too often that America is a nation of idealists."
Wow.Where have idealists gone in America? Politics seems to be dominated by cynicism today.