Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A letter to the editor I got published today(7/8/14) in NY Post on great Presidents.

Today 7/8/14 I got letter to the editor published in the New York Post on great presidents.This is what appeared in the paper:"Reagan is not only the greatest president since World War Two,but of the 20th century.The only presidents greater than Reagan are George Washington,Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson-plus James Polk,because when you win a war without firing a bullet,that's a pretty remarkable thing.
I think both Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower should rated higher than either Clinton or Kennedy.Eisenhower,William McKinley and Polk are most underated presidents in history."

My letter was in respond to poll asking who was greatest president since World War Two.Reagan come in first,than Clinton and Kennedy.

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