Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published on 7/13/14 in the (Bergen) Record.On school over crowding

On 7/13/14,Sunday I got a letter to the editor published in the (Bergen) Record.THe headline(not my words)was "Growth coming too fast in Fort Lee." This is what was published of my words:"The rise of school enrollment in Fort Lee is the beginning of the end for quality of life in the borough.
Overdevelopment is like a ticking time bomb.At first,you don't notice the difference in your community,but over time the quality that made your community unique disappears in front of your eyes,and soon you feel like a stranger in a strange land.
What you have in Fort Lee is a rush to develop without any thought about how the community will be affected by this unrestrained growth.And with one party rule in Fort Lee,there is no debate or questioning of policy.
I'm sure officials have the best intentions in mind,but as the old saying goes,"the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Some explanations:Fort Lee has been ruled for at least twenty years by a Democratic Party machine.Last year I ran for city council,as a Republican and lost.My message was overdevelopment will ruin Fort Lee.Well,to quote a Democrat Ed Koch the people didn't vote for me,now they must be punish.  

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