Tuesday, July 15, 2014

On Monday 7/7/14 O'Reilly read a letter of my on his program.

On Monday 7/14/14 Bill O'Reilly read a letter of my on his program,at the of show he often reads e-mail he received by e-mail.This was read on the air,"Laura Ingraham's plan to round up illegal aliens for mass deportations would turn the Republican Party into the Know Nothing Party.We are not a police state."
Edited out was first line stated Ms.Laura  Ingraham should trade in her Cross for a Swastika.Laura wears a big Cross(maybe to bear) but she's mocks the Cross with nastiness,I think born out bitterness toward life because she can't have children.
Background: Laura Ingraham came on O'Reilly show a few days before my letter was read:she said all illegal aliens should deported sounds like something that the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.
A little history lesson about the Know Nothing Party:In 1840's there was much immigrants,mostly Irish Catholics and a lot people saw this as threat to the Republic,henceforth,secret societies grew though out the nation.There platform was only native born Americans should hold public office and 25 year residence qualification for citizenship.They got name Know Nothing because they were secret societies when ask to name there members they said they know nothing.
Anyway in 1850's they came out of shadows and formed a party the American Party:almost won control New York in 1854,in 1856 former President Millard Fillmore ran for President on the American Party line(the Know Nothings) only carry Maryland.The Know Nothings went same route
as the Wing over the same issue slavery-split the two parties up the middle.

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