Monday, December 30, 2013

In the land of rising sun, stock prices are up and currency is down

In the land of rising sun(Japan),stock prices are up and currency is down.For the Nikkei has risen the most since 1972,yet the Yen against the dollar has fallen the most in five years.Accident? I think not,I know sound sophistic,but often weak currency lead to strong economic! How,because country can export it's produces a cheaper price,hence,making it more desirable for foreigners to buy their goods.Also,often a weak currency is cause by low interest rates which spur on consumerism in that country,and makes money cheap,by banks lending it cheap,hence,more plants factories and building leading to employment.Now down is inflation and also maybe the currency is cheap because people have little faith in country's economy.
Japan has two major problems:one an aging population,two debt.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The ghost of Walter Duranty lives again in the New York Times.

The New York Times is coming to aid of their heroine,Hillary Clinton.Trying to brave face on the disaster in Benghazi by reporting al-Qaeda had nothing to do with attack,that kill four of people,including ambassador Stevens.New York Times showns it's true,first a negative story about Chris Christie,who just happens to be leading darling Hillary in latest poll for president.Now media must cover for Hillary about Benghazi and her infamious statement what does matter(if we lied).So New York Times come up with story that indeed it was video,which nobody saw that cause revulsion in the populious to go out like mad dogs to kill Americans.This nonsense the true is Lady Hillary miss the three o'clock call and was inept at her job.
But New York Times is know for lying,misleading the public.There greatness crime was reporting of Walter Duranty from Soviet Union in nineteen thiries.Duranty picture Stalin as good guy,a reformer,going to create democracy in Soviet Union.And for his lies Stalin would give Duranty woman to play with,indeed,whips and changes were his toys.Duranty also win Pulitzer Prize for his lies what a disgrace.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

What happens if they built a city and nobody showed up?

I was watching Al Jazeena America(so far,now just begin to watch by I bit pleasant surprise by Al Jazeena America it has good story and is far less bias then MSNBC)and did a story on new city in China where nobody lives.It seems good housing  is very expensive in China and government sees lots of people from rural area moving to cities,hense,creating a bigger shortage.So government built this new city,problem is speculators have bought into the real estate,hence,driving up the prices.Speculators in Communist country?How did Communism rule China? I mean,the Chinese are born Capitalist even more so than the Jews or Lebanese.
Of course,in nineteen sixties Brazil built Brasilia out of nothing but Rio de Janeiro is still heart and soul of that country and San Paulo is financial center.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Breaking news from the North Pole due to slack demand Santa is going layoff elks.

Alright it isn't true,Santa isn't laying off elks,however it's been rough Christmas season for retailers in the U.S. Which is troubling since two-thirds of U.S economy is consumer spending.Yet U.P.S and FedEx had trouble delivering on time,with lack of demand you figure shipping would be good easier.Of course,they blame,in part, on weather it reminds one of the old Soviet Union every time there crop failure the weather was blame.Taking about crops,in recent years the price of corn in U.S has gone through the roof,in part because ethanol subsidiaries.Now the government is pulling back on these subsidiaries,add that fact there has been a bumper crop for corn,hence,a collapse in that market is feared,not good for farmers or companies like John Deere.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The great tragedy of the Vietnam War was it destroyed the patriotic Left in America

The great tragedy of the Vietnam War was it destroyed the patriotic Left in America.Believe or not,at the end of World War Two until Vietnam War become the child of Lyndon Johnson many on the Left were not only anti-communists but often more so then the Right.Indeed,Johnson Presidency was very Left-wing but continue Kennedy's policy of confronting Communism.The reason Left turn on Johnson was two fold:first he had southern accent(even though the Left prides it's self on being tolerant,it isn't true often they are most bigot people in the world) and of course,there was ghost John Kennedy(JFK) which is a curious thing,for not only was JFK the ultimate Cold Warrior(and if not believe me just look at his Inaugural Speech where he said,"Let every nation know,whether it wishes us well or ill,that we shall pay any price,bear any burden,meet any hardship,support any friend,oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty" but JFK also believe in tax cuts for the rich.Also JFK was very close to Joseph McCarthy.yet the Left love Kennedy they recreated him after he died and have lead many to believe he was killed because he was champion of underclass and Civil Rights.But this is all such nonsense,yet media and academe continues to put the lies about JFK recent biographies suggests in Kennedy second term he would have pull out Vietnam that is such of lie.First the Left or most of it would support the War if Kennedy was still President.I mean,he was young and handsome and come from Harvard.No Johnson turn them off,not over policy but he was from Texas Hill Country,a man of no manner crude and rude.And with JFK's death, a man named Mark Lane,who hated America(and later would be involved with Jonestown) started all these rumors about C.I.A and F.B.I being involve with Kennedy's death.     

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Could Germany have a Real Estate bubble? Steel on a comeback?

Watching on T.V the European Journal they mention that Real Estate in Germany rose 4 percent.Doesn't seem that much,but prices are expected to rise next because of low interest and particularly prices will go up in big cities.The Germany central bank says valuations on Real Estate is already 20 percent to high-so one wonders if Real Estate bubble is in Germany's future?
Also caught a story about Christmas tradition in Romania(Transylvania,the Carpathiah mountains)about slaughtering a big pig and having feast.Also the story dealt with how many new Eastern Orthodox churchs are being built in Romania today.Of couse,the Church under Communism suffer but man can not replace God.
Nigthly Business News did story on Steel making a comeback because demand for cars.Also this was mention in story but fracking from oil and gas industry has created demand for steel tubing.It's said U.S Steel price has gone 60 percent and Ak Steel 120 stock price gain this year.If Mexico has boom in oil industry(which in recent years has been in decline,however now foreign companies can investry in Mexico's oil and gas industry boom times may come)then U.S Steel is in very good position.For years ago they bought  Lone Star Steel which a railroad spur into Mexico.Also Mexico producer quite few cars,mainly the U.S Market which these days looks good.

Monday, December 23, 2013

The FED was created 100 years ago today.

On 12/23/1913 President Woodrow Wilson signed the Owen-Glass Federal Reserve Act which established the Federal Reserve System.Senator Owen was know to a populist,anti-bank Congressman Carter Glass from Virginia(Lynchberg) who later would become Sec. of Treasury and Senator and indeed was one most influential member of Congress dealing with banking,curiously he wasn't a banker,or an economist but rather a newspaper-man by trade.
The Act which created the Federal Reserve System(the FED) was egg on by the panic of 1907.The man of day,who saved the system was J.P Morgan,who prvented the closing of the New York Stock Echange and the failure of the trust Company of America with a $25,000,000 personal loan.However the nation was shocked that a man can have so much power,hence,powerfull man meet in island off Georgian coast and come up with Aldrich plan(name from Senator Nelson Aldrich-grandfather to Nelson Rockefeller) the plan went nowhere because it was seem to friendly to banks.
So instead the FED was created and it was pretty much like Aldrich plan and at first Wilson was oppose but his biggest donor Berhard Baruch was very much in favor and big donors usually get there way.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The U.S economy grew last quarter 4.1 percent is this real or mirage?

The U.S economy grew last quarter 4.1 percent is this real or mirage? Time will tell,for much of the growth was due to pick up in inventory.If inventory flies off shelves,then good time just maybe here,but if it doesn't then expect long cold winter.If we headed for times it might ease burden politically of Democrats,because Obamacare is hearvy burden for them carry.
The U.K looks like now strong man Europe economically,yet the Tories are still well behind in polls.Go figure! Will Scotland leave the U.K? Putin putting finger on the Ukraine,hoping choke out the movement to Europe.Pancho Villa turning over in his grave? Since Mexico is going to allow foreign investment in it's oil industry,which it badly needs since production is going down when it should be going up.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bitcoins a altenative currency or sham?

Bitcoins which seems to come out blue,until recently I hadn't heard them it seems like toy meant to toy with the world economy and question is are bitcoins real,an alternative currency or a sham?
Today both China and Denmark have crack down on bitcoins.It's founder Satoshi Nakamoto may have never exist,a pseudonym? It mades you think the whole thing is a sham.
And talking about sham,how about this deal Russia,no doubt hoping to reestablish the Soviet Union,at least in Putin's mind-a dark place you don't want to visit- with the Ukraine.For the Ukraine does word sell out come to mind?

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The birth of Fox T.V was interesting failure.

The birth of Fox T.V was interesting failure.For in the beginning it was  part of the Dumont network which failed,but was very experimental.In 1958 German born John Kluge brought from Paramount Pictures the bones of the Dumont Broadcasting Corporation.Kluge made a lot money but didn't put network together.That happen in 1986 when Rupert Murdoch brought much of Metromedia from Kluge for 4 billion dollars,hence,the start of Fox Broadcasting.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Of all countries in the world who would think Germany wouldn't have a minimum wage?

I wa quite surprised to find out Germany doesn't have minimum wage? A few days ago,I watching French T.V(here in New Jersey) and did story on Germany not having minimum wage and how hurts other countries in industries like meat packing.The story was this meat packing company,using a third party(sub-contractor) was hiring a bunch of Spaniards at 3 euros an hour and there didn't even kept because the substance housing they lived was owned by the company which change them rent.
Now in the States,there is big movement for states to raise the minimum wage by unions and Left.Ironically,these people love Germany for it's seemed a land strong unions and welfare state,indeed,way back it was Bismarck who created the walfare state to fight the socialist who he hated.
GM plans to pull production from Australia.
Exxon wants the U.S to make easier to export oil,because soon because of fracking the U.S will soon produce more then consumes,indeed,with Mexico privatizing,in part,there oil industry and with Canada supply it's possible if not likely North American will replace O.P.E.C as world's top producer of oil and gas.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Nelson Mandela R.I.P my letter to the editor in the New York Post

The soul of a nation  and much of the world is in deep mourning over the loss of a champion of humanity,freedom and the human spirit.
Mandela was one of few men of vision,who saw his dreams-some would say pipe dreams-come to fruition,a rare accomplishment.
In a way,it is strange that Mandela's great accomplishment was getting rid of apartheid,because former South African President F.W de Klerk's role has been underplayed in this regard,which is understandable.Mandela's greatest contribution to humanity was when he took power.
First, it was by election,and second,he didn't declare war on the white men,which he could have easily done.Instead,he supported the belief that it was essential for the survival of South Africa that the white population continue to play a role in the life of the country.
He could have been another Robert Mugabe,but Mandela was too much of man and too much of a patriot for that.He sought not to destroy a nation,but rather start anew with a nation based on the concept of liberty and justice for all.

Gary Schwartz
Fort Lee,NJ         

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A letter to the editor I got published in my local paper.

Last Sunday 12/1/13 in the Record(the paper for Bergen County New Jersey)I got letter to the editor published-dealing with inside baseball for G.O.P(Republican Party) politics for Bergen County.
This is what I wrote:"In the ebb and flow of politics,it is not surprising that positions shift with the wind.But what is surprising is when a high-ranking elected Republican official doesn't endore the whole Republican ticket for couty freeholder,and as a result we lose an excellent freeholder in John Mitchell.
And what was John Mitchell's "terrible crime" that prompted Bergan County Executive Kathleen Donovan not to support him and one of his running mates,John Felice? Well,they both supported the merger of the Bergen County Police into the Sheriff Department,which would save taxpayers money without endangering public satety.What's wrong with that?
It sounds like a good idea to me.It is time for Bergen Republicans to nominate someone else for county executive.Sherll Saudino or maybe even John Mitchell come to mind."

This wasn't written out sour grapes on me part,yes I lost my race for council in Fort Lee.But Fort Lee is very democratic borough(town) but Chris Christie did carry it,the only Republican to do so,indeed,he is first Republican running statewide to carry Fort Lee since Tom Kean did it in 1985 for Governor.