Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A letter to the editor I got published in my local paper.

Last Sunday 12/1/13 in the Record(the paper for Bergen County New Jersey)I got letter to the editor published-dealing with inside baseball for G.O.P(Republican Party) politics for Bergen County.
This is what I wrote:"In the ebb and flow of politics,it is not surprising that positions shift with the wind.But what is surprising is when a high-ranking elected Republican official doesn't endore the whole Republican ticket for couty freeholder,and as a result we lose an excellent freeholder in John Mitchell.
And what was John Mitchell's "terrible crime" that prompted Bergan County Executive Kathleen Donovan not to support him and one of his running mates,John Felice? Well,they both supported the merger of the Bergen County Police into the Sheriff Department,which would save taxpayers money without endangering public satety.What's wrong with that?
It sounds like a good idea to me.It is time for Bergen Republicans to nominate someone else for county executive.Sherll Saudino or maybe even John Mitchell come to mind."

This wasn't written out sour grapes on me part,yes I lost my race for council in Fort Lee.But Fort Lee is very democratic borough(town) but Chris Christie did carry it,the only Republican to do so,indeed,he is first Republican running statewide to carry Fort Lee since Tom Kean did it in 1985 for Governor.   

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