Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Could Germany have a Real Estate bubble? Steel on a comeback?

Watching on T.V the European Journal they mention that Real Estate in Germany rose 4 percent.Doesn't seem that much,but prices are expected to rise next because of low interest and particularly prices will go up in big cities.The Germany central bank says valuations on Real Estate is already 20 percent to high-so one wonders if Real Estate bubble is in Germany's future?
Also caught a story about Christmas tradition in Romania(Transylvania,the Carpathiah mountains)about slaughtering a big pig and having feast.Also the story dealt with how many new Eastern Orthodox churchs are being built in Romania today.Of couse,the Church under Communism suffer but man can not replace God.
Nigthly Business News did story on Steel making a comeback because demand for cars.Also this was mention in story but fracking from oil and gas industry has created demand for steel tubing.It's said U.S Steel price has gone 60 percent and Ak Steel 120 stock price gain this year.If Mexico has boom in oil industry(which in recent years has been in decline,however now foreign companies can investry in Mexico's oil and gas industry boom times may come)then U.S Steel is in very good position.For years ago they bought  Lone Star Steel which a railroad spur into Mexico.Also Mexico producer quite few cars,mainly the U.S Market which these days looks good.

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