Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The great tragedy of the Vietnam War was it destroyed the patriotic Left in America

The great tragedy of the Vietnam War was it destroyed the patriotic Left in America.Believe or not,at the end of World War Two until Vietnam War become the child of Lyndon Johnson many on the Left were not only anti-communists but often more so then the Right.Indeed,Johnson Presidency was very Left-wing but continue Kennedy's policy of confronting Communism.The reason Left turn on Johnson was two fold:first he had southern accent(even though the Left prides it's self on being tolerant,it isn't true often they are most bigot people in the world) and of course,there was ghost John Kennedy(JFK) which is a curious thing,for not only was JFK the ultimate Cold Warrior(and if not believe me just look at his Inaugural Speech where he said,"Let every nation know,whether it wishes us well or ill,that we shall pay any price,bear any burden,meet any hardship,support any friend,oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty" but JFK also believe in tax cuts for the rich.Also JFK was very close to Joseph McCarthy.yet the Left love Kennedy they recreated him after he died and have lead many to believe he was killed because he was champion of underclass and Civil Rights.But this is all such nonsense,yet media and academe continues to put the lies about JFK recent biographies suggests in Kennedy second term he would have pull out Vietnam that is such of lie.First the Left or most of it would support the War if Kennedy was still President.I mean,he was young and handsome and come from Harvard.No Johnson turn them off,not over policy but he was from Texas Hill Country,a man of no manner crude and rude.And with JFK's death, a man named Mark Lane,who hated America(and later would be involved with Jonestown) started all these rumors about C.I.A and F.B.I being involve with Kennedy's death.     

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