Thursday, December 26, 2013

Breaking news from the North Pole due to slack demand Santa is going layoff elks.

Alright it isn't true,Santa isn't laying off elks,however it's been rough Christmas season for retailers in the U.S. Which is troubling since two-thirds of U.S economy is consumer spending.Yet U.P.S and FedEx had trouble delivering on time,with lack of demand you figure shipping would be good easier.Of course,they blame,in part, on weather it reminds one of the old Soviet Union every time there crop failure the weather was blame.Taking about crops,in recent years the price of corn in U.S has gone through the roof,in part because ethanol subsidiaries.Now the government is pulling back on these subsidiaries,add that fact there has been a bumper crop for corn,hence,a collapse in that market is feared,not good for farmers or companies like John Deere.

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