Friday, February 28, 2014

Does Obama own Mitt Romney an apology?

Does Obama own Mitt Romney an apology? For in 2012 in presidential debate Obama castigated Romney for saying Russian was great threat to the U.S. Now Putin has cause so much havoc around world from Iran to Syria.Now of course the Ukraine with maybe Russian troops entering Crimea,the peninsula where russian fleet is,it's only warm water port for Russian navy,hence,it's going to be annexed by the Russians.
The world is falling apart problem. not only in Ukraine,Iran,Syria but Turkey too and Thailand.Clinton left mess as Sec. of State of course the media loves her and Carrie Kennedy got off her drugged driving crime.No justice the Left rich could get away with murder.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Did James Forrestal,America's first Sec.of Defense,commit suicide or was he murdered?

Did James Forrestal,America's first Secretary of Defense(before him the position was call Secretary of War) commit suicide or was murdered? And if he was murdered then by who? The Zionist? Forrestal was anti-Zionist,he thought it was a Soviet trick,and in 2006 the The Times of London reference newly declassified document revealing a serious attempt  by Menachem Begin(who of course,would later become Prime Minister of Israel) Irgun Gang to assassinate British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin(also an anti-Zionist),had been thwarted by British intelligence in 1946.
Curiously Forrestal and Bevin where opposite poles politically Although a Democrat from New York Forrestal was man of the Right,made his money on Wall Street and very much anti-Communist.
Bevin was man of the Left,indeed, a Union leader member of Labor Party.
Also Zionist murdered Walter Guinness,1st Lord Moyne.He was very good friend of Winston Churchill,served in his Cabinet as Resident Minister in the Middle East out of Cairo,He work hard to get Jews out Germany and others areas like Poland occupied by Germany,however,he was against resettlement of the Jews in Palestine,instead he favored resettlement in other Arab lands most notably Jordan,Syria and Egypt.Moyne masses Jewish immigration would overwhelm the place and lead to much social unrest.Jordan,Syria and Egypt could take on the extra people without social unrest.For that he was murdered by the Stern Gang.The murder of Lord Moyne cause a split in Zoinist movement:for ChaimWeizmann,who would become first President(mostly symbol position)of Israel,said when murdered Lord Moyne they might have murdered my own son.
Also the Soviets might have murdered Forrestal or maybe he did commit suicide.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Is Downton Abbey anti-semtic?

Of course,Downton Abbey season ended last night,I love that program,indeed,I love the English historical pieces from victorian era to the end of World War One.However few things in Downton Abbey has lead me believe maybe there is subtle anti-semitism to the program.Two things come mind:one is the Marconi Scandal the other is character who is card cheap and thief who goes by the name Samuel,a Jewish name,indeed,one major players in Marconi Scandal was Herbert Samuel,a well known Jewish politician from very influential Jewish family.
Now Marconi Scandal dealt with the Marconi Company successful tender offer for a government scheme for an Imperial wireless chain.This lead huge increase in price of Marconi stock,rivals yell foul,innuendo went wild that ministers in Asquith government made small fortune from inside information and lead sweet deal for the Marconi Company.Two of the main accused  corruption were Herbert Samuel and attorney General Sir Rufus Isaacs both Jews,both win libel suit but stigma stay with them and believe Jews do anything money is what struck in people's minds.
Now how does Downton Abbey fit in here? One of charactors Lavinia Swire,Mathews love interest when drop Mary stole paper indicating her uncle,who was minister in Asquith government in the Marconi Scandal,breaking the story.She did to save her father from financial ruin from Sir Richard Carlisle,the distasteful newspaper baron who was to marry Mary in way blackmail or protecting her from such.But at the end of day,Mary break from Carlisle  as Miss. dieds breaking hearted from 1919 Spanish Flu.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Will Joe Kennedy continue to do commercial for Venezuela dictator?

Venezuela seems to be edge of civil war:for the opposition has been put in jail,shortages of food even toilet paper.Yet just a week or so ago Joe Kennedy,President Kennedy's nephew and son of Robert Kennedy and curious his namesake the grandfather was very most an anti-communist.But spoil brat Joe Jr. has made bread with commies.
Is fire out in Ukraine? A deal to stop uprising against corrupt regime makes many unhappy.Ukraine wants freedom not Soviet rule,sorry Mr.Putin you dream of reborn of the Soviet Union ain't going to happen,indeed,your days in Russian might be numbered.
Syria,Thailand also hot spots of unhappy people.Will Obama give back the Nobel Peace Prize?
Watching New York One on T.V very poorly news outlet got who's administration started Food Stamps.They said L.B.J but it was Nixon.On 1/11/1971 Nixon signed the Food Stamp Act.Now beginning it was experiential program.indeed,it was too ran out in July of 1973.Also the program was restricted to able-body adults who willing to work. 
Now New York One story on Food Stamps was misleading in saying Congress often cut Food Stamps first,indeed,program over last 40 years has grown far greater then most government spending.No the truth,which media doesn't like to tell people is defense is first to be cut,indeed,in 1970 defense was 50 percent of budget today less than twenty percent.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Rush Limbaugh is soft on Communism.Yeltsin must be turning over in his grave.

Rush Limbaugh is soft on Communism.How can day this about the most noted right-wing windbag?
Easy the Right today isn't the Right of the great Ronald Reagan,for Reagan's Right-wing believe in America,hence,in liberty and freedom.Limbaugh use to be Reagan man,however,even when he was back in 1989 when young in China in Tiananmen Square where demanding an end to Communism,was Limbaugh in their corner.No,he called them super maoist despite the fact journalist,include Right-wing like Robert Novak mention how kids quoted Thomas Jefferson.By to Limbaugh way thinking only the White man cares about liberty.
Then when Boris Yeltsin died no mention from Limbaugh,indeed,nobody seems to cry.Yet Yeltsin wanted Russian to move away from it's past and if not to emulate the United States or Europe but move in that direction.Putin is man of the past,and his retarded reform in Russian and move country back into dark. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

De Blasio snow job

The new mayor of New York,is an idiot.His mind(that is if he has one)set is in nineteen thirties.He thinks his another Fiorello La Guardia.True both men are socialist,however,La Guardia live such different times for it was great depression today businesses and people are so much more mobile and if taxed too much they will move to greener pasture.Of course,De Blasio big on taxing the rich,his snow job was putting this pre-k idea for school,which scram in itself but nobody question value pre-k too many in society lay down as dogs when it come education,it magical to many people but schools are mostly idiot factories producing De Blasio.But pre-k was just feint his real goal was to raise taxes on rich.
Be Blasio is alway late and he doesn't care because inconsiderate fool.His chief of schools today in bad snow storm kept the schools open saying it's nice day.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Lady Ashton the new Neville Chamberlain?

Lady Ashton,a fool leading the West to ashes,indeed,is Lady Ashton the new Neville Chamberlain? She is Eu's foreign minister,a native idol with belief in reason with people who see reason as weakness.She point woman for negotiation with Iran and Ukraine.The West will sold out,Iran will get it's nuclear weapons and Russian troops will soon enter Kiev.The West has weak leadership,for Left dominates our media and schoolsit's sad state of affairs but true.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

David Einhorn short call on Green Mountain Coffe didn't work out too well.

Back near the end 2012,David Einhorn said short Green Mountain Coffee it hit low around 18 from over a 110.But since then stock has gone nothing but up today up 20 dollar over 110 because Coca-Cola is buying 10 percent,hopes to have home single cup soft drinks.But how cook it it's home ran for Green Mountain and not so long ago was thought to be dead on Wall Street
Saw Leon Cooperman on Bloomberg T.V likes AIG and Citigroup and Sallie Mae,maybe  two companies and one might be taken over.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Bill Gross said Chinese economy is like mystery meat.

Bill Gross(the Bond King) was on Bloomberg T.V this morning,he said the Chinese economy is like mystery meat,you don't know what's in and there is good deal of baloney.Gross high on the dollar,so was a guest on CNBC this morning said,dollar is king,not because America is doing things right but rather we aren't as bad as the rest of world.
Red Danes singing blue? Big scandal in Denmark,it seems the socialist government is going to sale around 18 percent of government own energy company to Goldman Sachs! 6 cabinet member have resigned.
Snow,snow it's some season the white stuff(I don't mean cocaine) keeps on coming,it's been a cold hard winter,can't wait to the Summer of our discontent.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Got a letter to editor published in the New York Post about the despicable Pete Seeger may he rot in hell!

On Saturday 2/1/14 I got letter published in the New York Post about the despicable Pete Seeger.This is what I wrote:"All the tin solders,the pawns in the army of left-wing conformity,shed tears for one of their generals who has left this earth.
On the local news,I saw two anchors singing praises for the departed general,for the music of communism and his song"If I Had a Hammer." Of course,the hammer and sickle are the symbol of the Soviet Union.
Seeger was not only a communist but a supporter of Joseph Stalin.This genteel soul,the conscience of folk music,was a supporter of one of the biggest murderers of the 20 century.
Now there is a movement to renamed the Tappan Zee Bridge the Pete Seeger Bridge.What an offense."     

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Jonathan Schwartz(no relation) on the radio today(Super Bowl Sunday)sang the virtues of baseball

Jonathan Schwartz(no relation) on the radio today(Super Bowl Sunday)sang the virtues of baseball.Jonathan Schwartz has been radio personality since the late sixties or seventies.He now does a program on public radio(NPR).He's father was a big time songwriter American Standards,which is what does on program,I first remember him as D.J on rock station many years ago. Today he periodically play old baseball broadcast:the first one a 1958 broadcast of a Yankee Red Sox game(Jonathan is a big Red Sox fan,I know his politics is left so maybe attract to Red,anyway we all have our faults)the great Mel Allen was broadcaster.He did ask who first ballplayer to become a broadcaster? I thought it was Waite Hoyt(a great pitcher for Yankees in the nineteen twenties he did do broadcasting for Cincinnati Reds,known for his storytelling)but accord to Jonathan it was it one truly greats of the game Walter(the big train) Johnson was first former ballplayer to broadcast a game,then he ran for Congress and they must have heard his broadcast because it wasn't very good,hence,he lost his race for Congress.Then Jonathan play the broadcast of Met's opening(the first game ever they play) in 1962.
Two cute stories about baseball players:Rogers Hornsby(the Hall Of Famer) in late sixties or early seventies he was asked a reporter,what do think you would hit today? Hornsby answered around 287.Reporter said,What's all? Hornsby replied remember I'm 76 years old.
When Mickey Rivers was asked what he hope for this season? He answer to hit 300 and stay injury prone.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

A letter to editor I publish about gridlock in Fort Lee

On 1/31/14 in the Record (the newspaper for Bergen County) I got letter to the editor publish.The title they give it was,"Fort Lee gridlock predates Bridgegate" This is what I wrote:"The sky may not be falling in Fort Lee,but John Cichowski is right on the moneyin his column.No truer words have been writen.Gridlock in Fort Lee wasn't created in the governor's office,and with all this unbridled development on tap,gridlock is bound to get worse.
Cichowski mentions the behemoth 47-story tower.Well,that is just one of many obtuse structures coming on line in Fort Lee.And while it doesn't make the sky fall it will causes more traffic jams and tax the resoures of the community.
This is why I ran for council last year,but my message fell on tin ears.Perhaps I was a poor message.If people do not speak out, the powers that be will assume all is right with the world.And that causes a certain arrogance of power at all levels of government."

Gary Schwartz