Monday, February 24, 2014

Is Downton Abbey anti-semtic?

Of course,Downton Abbey season ended last night,I love that program,indeed,I love the English historical pieces from victorian era to the end of World War One.However few things in Downton Abbey has lead me believe maybe there is subtle anti-semitism to the program.Two things come mind:one is the Marconi Scandal the other is character who is card cheap and thief who goes by the name Samuel,a Jewish name,indeed,one major players in Marconi Scandal was Herbert Samuel,a well known Jewish politician from very influential Jewish family.
Now Marconi Scandal dealt with the Marconi Company successful tender offer for a government scheme for an Imperial wireless chain.This lead huge increase in price of Marconi stock,rivals yell foul,innuendo went wild that ministers in Asquith government made small fortune from inside information and lead sweet deal for the Marconi Company.Two of the main accused  corruption were Herbert Samuel and attorney General Sir Rufus Isaacs both Jews,both win libel suit but stigma stay with them and believe Jews do anything money is what struck in people's minds.
Now how does Downton Abbey fit in here? One of charactors Lavinia Swire,Mathews love interest when drop Mary stole paper indicating her uncle,who was minister in Asquith government in the Marconi Scandal,breaking the story.She did to save her father from financial ruin from Sir Richard Carlisle,the distasteful newspaper baron who was to marry Mary in way blackmail or protecting her from such.But at the end of day,Mary break from Carlisle  as Miss. dieds breaking hearted from 1919 Spanish Flu.

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