Saturday, February 1, 2014

A letter to editor I publish about gridlock in Fort Lee

On 1/31/14 in the Record (the newspaper for Bergen County) I got letter to the editor publish.The title they give it was,"Fort Lee gridlock predates Bridgegate" This is what I wrote:"The sky may not be falling in Fort Lee,but John Cichowski is right on the moneyin his column.No truer words have been writen.Gridlock in Fort Lee wasn't created in the governor's office,and with all this unbridled development on tap,gridlock is bound to get worse.
Cichowski mentions the behemoth 47-story tower.Well,that is just one of many obtuse structures coming on line in Fort Lee.And while it doesn't make the sky fall it will causes more traffic jams and tax the resoures of the community.
This is why I ran for council last year,but my message fell on tin ears.Perhaps I was a poor message.If people do not speak out, the powers that be will assume all is right with the world.And that causes a certain arrogance of power at all levels of government."

Gary Schwartz

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