Monday, February 3, 2014

Got a letter to editor published in the New York Post about the despicable Pete Seeger may he rot in hell!

On Saturday 2/1/14 I got letter published in the New York Post about the despicable Pete Seeger.This is what I wrote:"All the tin solders,the pawns in the army of left-wing conformity,shed tears for one of their generals who has left this earth.
On the local news,I saw two anchors singing praises for the departed general,for the music of communism and his song"If I Had a Hammer." Of course,the hammer and sickle are the symbol of the Soviet Union.
Seeger was not only a communist but a supporter of Joseph Stalin.This genteel soul,the conscience of folk music,was a supporter of one of the biggest murderers of the 20 century.
Now there is a movement to renamed the Tappan Zee Bridge the Pete Seeger Bridge.What an offense."     

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