Sunday, February 16, 2014

Rush Limbaugh is soft on Communism.Yeltsin must be turning over in his grave.

Rush Limbaugh is soft on Communism.How can day this about the most noted right-wing windbag?
Easy the Right today isn't the Right of the great Ronald Reagan,for Reagan's Right-wing believe in America,hence,in liberty and freedom.Limbaugh use to be Reagan man,however,even when he was back in 1989 when young in China in Tiananmen Square where demanding an end to Communism,was Limbaugh in their corner.No,he called them super maoist despite the fact journalist,include Right-wing like Robert Novak mention how kids quoted Thomas Jefferson.By to Limbaugh way thinking only the White man cares about liberty.
Then when Boris Yeltsin died no mention from Limbaugh,indeed,nobody seems to cry.Yet Yeltsin wanted Russian to move away from it's past and if not to emulate the United States or Europe but move in that direction.Putin is man of the past,and his retarded reform in Russian and move country back into dark. 

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