Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Our first Ambassador to India was Henry F. Grady, he was also our man in Greece during the beganing of the Cold War.

Thought out history there are man who mark great on this earth but over time are quickly forgotten. Such is case of Henry F. Grady. Mr. Grady started off his public career as aid to Herbert Hoover, when Hoover Sec. of Commerce from 1921-1928 and in 1928, of course, Hoover was elected President.
In 1945 President Truman appointed Grady to be his personal rep. to Allied Commission superving the Greek election. Now this might surprise people but maybe Grady was appointed because of good words from Hoover. Truman and Hoover where good friends. Of course, the Cold War started in Greece and Iran. So Truman must have had a regard for Grady. For also appointed him to be our first Ambassador to India in 1947 which he was until 1948 when he become our Ambassador to Greece which he was until 1950, when he become our Ambassador to Iran until 1951.
Also in 7/1946 he come up with a plan along with British Foreign Minster Morrison for Palestine. The plan was called, "The Morrison Grady Plan" it called for Federalization under a British Trusteeship, the plan was rejected both by the Jews and Arabs.   

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Got a letter to the editor published today in NY Post on Donald Trump.

Got a letter to the editor published today (7/25/ 15) in New York Post on Donald Trump. This is what appeared in the newspaper today: " The creature has come out of the dark lagoon, and his name is Donald Trump.
Indeed, his infamy will be forevermore. For the hairy Donald played the part of ugly American by insulting our neighbors to the south.
If not for the John McCains of the world, The Donald would not be the successful capitalist he thinks he is. If he had a brain he'd know that.
And one wonders how long Trump would have survived in a North Vietnam prison camp before ratting out his fellow soldiers.
I think he would last two days at best."

Sunday, July 19, 2015

John Wayne would not support Donald Trump for President.

A lot these bomb throws on talk radio who think( that is if they ever do) Donald Trump outrages comments of Mexico were just fine dandy no doubt loved John Wayne. But John Wayne loved Mexico, yes he was great American hero who love United States of America, but after Carter began President Wayne was so disgusted he thought of giving up his America citizenship and becoming a citizen of Mexico. Wayne was fluent in Spanish and was really into the culture in Mexico.    

Thursday, July 16, 2015

George W. Bush might not have brains,but he had more guts then Ted Cruz or many Right-wing blow hearts running for President.

George W. Bush might not have brains, but he had more guts then Ted Cruz or many of the other Right-Wing blow hearts that running for President. and we a President with guts today, a man or women not afraid to say they will put boots on ground and indeed do it for the only way wipe ISIS out is with American boots on ground.
I hear Cruz on T.V talk show, he's phony talks out both sides of he's mouth. He attacks Obama for being a weak leader but sound like him, no boots on ground for him air power is way to go, yeah afraid of public opinion turning against you. That's not leadership unwilling to unpopular stands for good of nation. Leadership is often lonely and takes guts, of course, the great example of that was Winston Churchill, for he saw evil and going against public opinion to fight evil. Remember what the great British Statesmen Edmund Burke said," all that takes evil to triumph is for good to do nothing."

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Is Professor Joseph J. Ellis an idiot?

I was watching T.V this morning, and on I think c-span Professor Joseph J. Ellis shown an incredible lack history , when he said Citizen v. United was second worst decision in U.S history, Dred Scott being the worst. Citizen v. United the second worst, give my break, it might bad decision, but second worst in America History. The Left has cow over Citizen v. United but in reality it's much to do about nothing and the Left with holly fight against money politics, and even corporate money, is full of holes. Obama refused public financing twice, Hillary doesn't have problem rising  money and God knows where it comes from.
Professor Ellis decried originalists ,like  Scalia , that judges should only use case law(stare decisis), precedent and he went on say he doesn't think Brown v. Board of Education would be revised by the originalists .But they is problem in what said, for if the court used stare decisis  (case law) in Brown v. Board of Education the Board of Education would have won, because of Plessy v. Ferguson,which the last case before Brown on segregation which upheld segregation.
I mean, this guy Ellis was so full of himself and full of it yet he's well respected  professor of American History yes a lot abut schools and ain't good.        

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Which greatest threat to economy stabilty Greece, Puerto Rico or Chinese stock market?

The world seems on edge, economy growth is no where to found. Easy money, low interest have made asset values go up, but real economy growth is no where to found. The policy makers are clueless but true is man can not control an economy, if they could the Soviet Union would be in business today. The economy does what wants no matter what policy makers do. Greece is produce of this believe that man can deal with economy and magic can founded to solve economics, which mean unlimited wants, but limited resources something the Greek people do not understand for believe in entitlement society and it's belief in a entitlement society that will put end to Western Civilization, henceforth, even though Greece has very small economy it poses a far greater threat to economy stability than Puerto Rico( although the entitlement society has also  brought Puerto Rico to it's knees) or Chinese stock market.   

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Got a letter to the editor published in the NY Post on 7/8/15, on Hillary and the non-Jewish Left on Israel.

Got a letter to the editor published in the New York Post on 7/8/15, on Hillary Clinton and the non-Jewish Left on Israel.
This is what appeared in the paper: "Hillary Clinton isn't the only lefty who is two-faced on Israel.
 Indeed, most of the non-Jewish left believes Israel is apartheid South Africa. However, to their Jewish acolytes they're mum on the subject. And the acolytes take silence as golden.
  Clinton and Bernie Sanders will play their make-believe game of supporting Israel, but it doesn't matter to the majority of Jews because of their mindless loyalty to the left."

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The founder( Adolph Och) of today's owner of the New York Times had Confederate sympathies.

A story in the New York Post, on 6/26/2015 page 10 with the headline 'South of Times Sq. is about a tiny Confederate flags in a New York subway station. A tile mosaic to honor Adolph Och, who owned the New York Time from 1896 to 1935 when he died, his family still owns the Times. It was installed 90 years ago, Och was from Tennessee in newspaper business, don't know if know Henry
Waterman legendary newspaperman  from Kentucky, who actually was in the Confederate army. Anyway Och found out  the New York Times was bankrupt and could be had for cheap price Somehow he come up with 75,000 dollar and brought the New York Times in 1896. Now people think f New York Times as Jewish newspaper, Och was indeed an Orthodox Jew, but he was very much Southern, indeed, he was buried with a Confederate flag, and also very proud of his German roots, indeed, in World War One when many change there names to Anglo ones from Germany names Och did not, despite the fact some in his family change to Oaks.
Ochs was consider a joke when he buy the New York Times. Many saw as hick and Jewish at that who can't make in New York market. Well proved them wrong the New York Times was reborn under Och and by the time he died it was not only major playing in the New York market, a paper that could turn a nation.    

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Again Rush Limbaugh got it wrong.

Heard Rush Limbaugh on radio, just for moment or two, because is information(except on the Left bias of the media) so often so ill informed and just wrong I can't take it. Today he starts about the Supreme Court in Oklahoma ruling a Ten Commands tablets,  on state capitals ground must be removed. Well I think people have right to be upset with such decision but Limbaugh went too far and give wrong information. He talk impeaching justices who voted to remove the Ten Commands and went on say the founding father supported the idea of impeaching judges who's politics or decisions they don't like. Well, maybe Limbaugh needs a history lesson, the only U.S Supreme Court Judge impeached was Samuel Chase( I think in 1806) he was acquitted by the Senate because he was impeached for politics. Chase was very much a Federalists and Thomas Jefferson want out because Marbury v. Madison the court establish the principle of judicial review and Chief Justice Marshall, who was real target of the Chase impeachment would use judicial review to push forward Federalists policies. Well the Senate at the time was overwhelming Democratic-Republican( Jefferson's party) but enough Democratic-Republican voted not guilty that Chase was acquitted setting forth principle that judges aren't to be impeached because politics or decisions.