Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Ukraine back to the U.S.S R. boy you don't know how unlucky you are boy.

The Ukraine back to the U.S.S.R boy you don't know how unlucky you are boy.For many Ukraine look West(they want to join the EU) for hope and freedom but there sticky problem of gas.No,not that type gas but there is stretch left by it called unpaid bill to Russian but not with love.
Also treatment of former PM Yulia Tymoshenko,who is in jail,raises specter of human rights violations.
In U.K electric bills seem to be raise,one few going wrong(for inflation is down,unemployment is down) for Mr.Cameron.
Social unrest in Thailand and Egypt but along with the Ukraine not making much news in America.Obamacare and it's mess dominates the news also holiday time people don't thread about world problems.Unfortunately not thinking about world doesn't stop there problems from knocking at our(the U.S.A's) door and sometimes death awaits us at the other side of the door,unless we act by takes leader from guts which we don't have now.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Good thing it ain't August for if it was we just might see the beginning of World War Third.

Good thing it ain't August for if it was we just might see the beginning of World War Third. With Chinese sending jets to defend air space that isn't there's and the U.S and Japan and South Korea flying over same space over islands that said to have much oil,well incidents can lead to miscalculation which lead to war.I mean,one thinks back to World War One it was all started by accident,by miscalculation,the book the,"The Guns August" goes into detail.
And of course,much angst is cause by deal with Iran.Saudi Arabia,Turkey just might try buy a nuclear weapon themselve because deal with Iran is a joke,they just buying time until they get the bomb and waqnt sanctions gone because it makes government unpopular but if sanctions are lifted and they developed the bomb Then government in Iran will be popular,at least in short ran,of course in long ran we all we be dead. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Woman so called Arab comedian wasn't funny but offensive and dishonest.

On TV today saw a woman,who was a Arab comedian,but she wasn't funny at all,a bit offensive for being dishonest.She started off with social commentary that made a lot sense,more or less saying women is best hope civilizing the Arab and Muslim world.But then the anti American West lies before saying how West was hypocritical when to come to women's right with allies in Arab world.Well,that may true to small degree,but it's misleading for worst culprits dealing with women's rights in the Arab and Muslim world are hard line fundamentalist,groups like Taliban and al-Qaeda and country like Iran.curiously she chided Iraq for having less women's right,I don't think that's true but even if it was,today women have a lot more right Iraq then they do in Iran yet doesn't mention Iran?
Why? Political correctness.It reminder me of Left during the Cold War.For Left(many were Jews)denounce America as being hypocritical for counties that had human rights violations,however,these same people never criticize the Soviet Union or any Communism country for they human rights violations.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Merkel near deal for coalition

Merkel,who is most powerful leader in western europe today,is near a deal for coalition.She will give the Left a top minimum wage in Europe,the Left gives her no tax increase and both sides say no more bailouts for Southern Europe.
Swiss voters vote down a proposal to limit executive pay to no more 15 percent higher than the lowest paid employee.
Storm has hit north east United States hear wind howling now.Country in bad mood for Thanksgiving nothing seem to be going right,certainly not Obamacare which is beginning to fall apart.

Asset prices are going through the roof,but employment laggards creative destruction?

Asset prices(stocks,housing,ect.ect.)prices are going through the roof,but employment laggards is this because of what economist call creative destruction? Yes, in part Asset prices are rising because of FED's loose money policy,however,corporate profits are rising too(not as fast as asset prices)but double combination of easy money and good profit has lead to higher,indeed, record stock market.However,unemployment remains stubbornly high,why? Maybe because companies are doing more with less,maybe more automation leads to a better bottom line,however less workers this is what economist call creative destruction,hence,doing things better,more efficient lead to lower prices,hence,business over the long prices become lower than costs,hence,business can't make a profit(although in beginning they make more money)and this lead to deflation,which leads to depression.This is why the FED has such an easy monetary policy,fear of deflation.
Berlusconi headed for jail? Today the Italian Senate will to strip of his lifetime membership in Italian Senate,hence,he would lose his immunity from prosecution.
A curious thing,the other day Putin was visiting Italy and one of people he saw was Berlusconi,now Berlusconi is man on the Right.
I remember a picture which says thousands words,it was back in the 1990's when Berlusconi was Prime Minister,he's been in Italy politics for long time,the picture had Berlusconi in it with his wife,a stunning sexy blonde(beach I think) and President Clinton and Berlusconi wife looked at Clinton,so much desire in her eyes for charming Bill

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Housing starts and prices up.Duke out and McMillon in at Wal-Mart

Housing starts up and prices at fastness pace raising since 2006.Is there a bubble in the works? No according to chief economist at Bloomberg,who said only West is it possible for bubble in real estate, Las Vegas and Phoenix come to mind.
Wal-Mart America's store has replace the CEO:out is Duke in is McMillon.Wal-Mart has had hard time of late:for under the Obama economy the rich get richer and poor get poorer,hence,stores like Wal-Mart bargain shoppers paradise,hence,people on lower economy scale,whose wages have been flat and making ends meat has become harder and harder,while people on upper 20 percent economy scale have done much better because of raising asset price,hence,high end store like Tiffany are doing quite well.
Merger talk:Time Warner maybe a target of joint effort by Charter(John Malone control company and Comcast.Men's Wearhouse is making counter offer for Joseph Blank which try to make take over Men's Wearhouse.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

In U.S job growth Florida leads the way follow by California.

In U.S job growth Florida leads the way follow by California.Governor Rick Scott of Florida seems to be doing a very good job and maybe that's why Florida is leading the nation in job creation.Scott has been cutting taxes and limiting spending maybe that's why in beginning of his administration he wasn't popular and although he is a Republican he did angey some in Right by accepting the Federal increase in medicaid because federal will pick all cost in the first three years then it's 90 percent of the cost the Feds will pick up,so in a way,it's good business to have expansion of medicaid the problem for Scott is at first he said he'll would refuse the program.
California was number two in job growth going against what Brit on Fox Business News has stated that California is economy wasteland,maybe not so the Golden State,no matter what Englishman says still seems golden.
Heard,a real estate maven(Yiddish for expect) on Bloomberg T.V last week saying coasts(New York and California) are strong and loves Texas and Florida looking good because jobs are coming back and they have good governor.Ask where market is weak or uncertain,he say the Midwest except surprising Michigan,even Detroit,if you can believe that,he like Ann Arbor in particular because of their high tech industry and academic center and those two often go together.
Ask for New York's in coming Commie mayor would hurt real estate there? He said,for commercial real estate it would but not for residential because much foreign money comes into Manhattan real  estate,and this is hard to believe but Manhattan compare to London is cheap!

Friday, November 22, 2013

John F. Kennedy legacy Vietnam?

Today is fifty anniversary of Kennedy assassination.Unfortunately,over years there have been so many lies told about assassination,mainly from conspiracy people,and about JFK's politics and two are melted together because the belief push by many conspiracy people was JFK was murdered by the C.I.A or F.B.I or some vast right-wing conspiracy.But the truth is JFK was man of Right,indeed,he was the architect of the Vietnam War,he was ultimate cold warrior,he ran in 1960 that  United States had missile gap with Soviet Union,in other word the Soviet had more missile then us,it was lie but spend so much defence spending when he was President.And Joseph McCarthy was almost like another Kennedy brother.
But you will heard a lot crap about JFK being a liberal.You won't heard that Oswald was Communist,indeed,he defected to Soviet Union before he returned to the States and murder Kennedy.And won't heard the father of conspiracy theories Mark Lane(of Jonetown fame)was also a Communist.No this goea against what media and acdemics want people to know.So phony JFK people believe fueled by hatred of America.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Larry Fink says you should be hundred percent equities.

Yesterday on Bloomberg T.V Larry Fink(C.E.O of RockRock with 4 trillion dollars asset the world's biggest economy the good old U.S economy is around 17 trillion dollars) was interviewed.He was asked if he saw downturn of 15 percent,he acknowledge he had said that so time ago,but said was caveat that if China and India did reforms and Washington got it's act together,no more government shut downs,then the market would go and thinks that will happen,hence,he believes that one should be a hundred percent in equities.
Today Bloomberg T.V had Prince Al-Waleed bin Tallal,a Saudi Prince billionaire(Warren Buffett of Arab World) and ,indeed,a most interesting fellow.He said,some interesting things,for one even though he doesn't think much of Obama(join the club)surprisingly he agree with administration on Syria and disagrees with own government Saudi Arabia.He put like this the Obama administration believes, as long as,Syria has chemical weapons it best to deal with devil you know.On the hand,the Saudi government wants any other devil beside the present devil.The Prince felt that present regime fall racials would take over,crazy people,who would be quite willing to use the chemical weapon worldwide.
Also the Prince is big believer in the United States.He believes America(the U.S) will always recover from bad economic times and think he's right.America(the U.S) is great country,whose economy is truly a engine for world,for America is new land where all things are new again.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Best Buy would been the best buy this year.

Best Buy would been the best buy for stock this year.It wasn't so long ago people were announcing Best Buy dead:it's C.E.O had resign because of sex scandel,sales were slumbering,people would go to Best Buy like at the price,and then see if on line they could get cheaper,the founder try take company public but couldn't get the financeing,this company looked death door,but door open to new C.E.O(a French guy) and change the strategy to more expensive good,hence, a larger profit margin and store with-in store Samsung,who's product are taking on Apple,which lead Best Buy to be best buy on Standard and Poor's index over 200 percent gain,I did buy some Best Buy stock when was sow around 18 dollars today it's above 40 dollars,but unfortunely not much stock,indeed,very little.Now it's to high for me.
Lately Green Mountain Coffee has begin to fall after high around 90 dollar it's down to 60 dollars now true it low around 18.
U.K unemployment down to 7.5 with inflation down it looks like Cameron is good shape for re-election and wasn't that long ago he looked like goner.
Disney stock just goes up and up for ESPN is gold mine and so far Fox sports channel is mounting much of challenge,although like most media stocks 21st Century Fox is doing quite well.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Buffett buys 3 billion in Exxon stock.Soros buys Micosoft stock.Ackman buys Fannie and Freddie.

Warren Buffett,the wizard of Omaha,has just bought over third and half billion shares of Exxon.God bless him,for Exxon is my largest holding as of cash value,and second to Colgate(which recently has split).I bought in early 80's when oil was cheap(I think it went down to ten dollars a barrel)anyway Exxon was paying a ten percent yield on it's dividend.I can't believe my eyes,I thought something was wrong,either the company can't keep that payout dividend they must been paying out made in dividends than they were earning.Wrong! I found Exxon payout for it's dividend was less then 25 percent meaning dividend was secure and most likely they would raise if didn't have too much debt.I look that up and believe or not at that time Exxon had no debt,today they have debt but not much.So it winning I have made a lot from Exxon stock.
They last quarter profits were down,because of the refining operations and the price natural gas,Exxon bought XTO Energy,the nation largest natural gas producer,remains very low,so far XTO Energy purchase doesn't seem to work,however,it is fuel of future and rising demand in long run will raise prices.The good news is Exxon production of oil is on raise,also it's most efficient producer of big oil companies,they can make money on oil as low as 20 dollars a barrel.In recent years the industry has been upside down:traditionally the industry's profit center was upstream operations(exploration and production)but recent the downsteam operations(refining and marketing) is were money was made,indeed,two major oil companies have separated refining(spin it off) refining and upstream operations and there is talk Exxon would broke up into three companies.
George Soros has bought Microsoft stock,which I also own so I am happy camper.Like Exxon,Microsoft is cash cow and now it's beginning to paid healthy dividend.
Bill Ackman has just bought Fannie and Freddie becoming the second largest shareholder next to U.S government.Riskey business since politics will pay a part in future of Fannie and Freddie. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Inflation down in the U.K except for Real Estate in London town.

Inflation down in the U.K except for Real Estate in London town.Low interest rates lead people not to put money in a bank,hence,inflated asset prices,add borrow are cheap so Real Estate looks promising for investors.Curiously other cities(like Manchester,Birmingham) in U.K have neglected but lately because London prices are so high opportunity has risen in Edinburgh,interesting since Scotland just might leave the U.K.
Goldman Sachs has recommended buying share in Peabody Energy and Dynamic Steel.I own both stocks and this why like them,Peabody Energy,the world's largest private own(not owned by government but it's public was the stock,ownership can brought on the market,that is the stock market)coal company.Now coal is not fashion because natural gas is cheap and Obama administration has declared war on coal.So why do think Peabody is underpriced stock? Number one,it's selling just about Book Value,two it owns coal mines in Australia,which makes it easier to sell to China's growing demand for coal.Three the price of natural gas will rebound someday and Obama isn't going to be power forever,but mean these factors will cause some coal companies to go out business,hence, leaving Peabody Energy in dominant position in the industry when things return to normal.
Dynamic Steel is great American story that Americans don't believe in anyway.It's steel company,believe or not,started in the 1990's by Mitt Romney and other and today is most profitable steel company in the U.S.A,it own several steel mills mostly in Indiana,the so called rust belt were heavy was suppose finish.Oh my fellow Americans if only believe in magic of America again we could do anything.

Monday, November 11, 2013

What does Rush Limbaugh and President Obama have in common?

What does Rush Limbaugh and President Obama have in common? There both liars.Of course,Obama's biggest lie was if you like your insurance you can keep it,if like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
Limbaugh biggest lies deal with Obama and strangely the so call Republican establishment,which Limbaugh leads on that are liberal,traitor to conservative cause and nothing could furter from truth.An example Limbaugh blames Ken Cuccinelli defeat on so called Republican establishment by truth matter(something Limbaugh cares very little about) the government shut down lead by Ted Cruz,one Limbaugh heros,which really hurt Cuccinelli in northern Vir. and third party Libertarian candidate(fund by bundler for Obama)cost Cuccinelli the election,not the Republican establishment.
Then yesterday,Limbaugh lied about demanding nothing for lifting sanctions against Iran.Now in my opinion the administration didn't demand enough concessions from Iran and apparently the French,of all nations agree) so no deal.But Limbaugh say it was done deal,and Obama was basically trying change America and he wasn't liberal or leftist,but rather a Marxist Maoist type of creature.Of course,today he blame the left for making Americans just want to exist and not live and quoted Jack London on living not exist,he apparently didn't know Jack London was a Socialist.

Rush Limbaugh is a ill informed idiot.

Rush Limbaugh is an ill informed idiot end of story.I was just listening to him,go on and on in monotonous way on how Americans exist and do not live and went on and on this was result of liberalism and then he showed his ignorance he quoted Jack London on how people show live life and not just exist.Jack London was a socialist.That's right Limbaugh was unknowingly praising a socialist as denounce the Left.What a dummy!
And talking about dummies,David Cameron(of course,the PM for the U.K)wants to subsidize housing,where people would only put down five percent for down payment.How stupid can you be? That's what cause the financial crisis in first place,government encouraging banks to lend out money so people could buy homes there can't afford.Brilliant sent world almost into abyss.
Brazil maybe headed for real estate bubble too,again the government is encouraging lending to buy homes people can't afford.When will madness end!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Jobs up in U.S.A credit rating down in France.

Last month in the U.S.A jobs grow at faster pace than most experts predicted,despite the government shutdown.Now it true the unemployment rate went up 7.3,however G.N.P grow rose 2.8 not good but not bad,although a good economy in the U.S G.N.P should grew at three percent at least.
France had credit rating lower maybe paying the price for the higher tax rate at 75 percent.The New York State Thruway Authority has a lower credit rating.
G.O.P monkey race looks like Gov.Perry vs. Christie vs. Sen.Paul and more.Heard the one of two authors of Double Down,on radio show,and he didn't think Sen.Paul or Curz were real players thought Jeb Bush or Mike Huckabee  could be sleepers.If Ms.Clinton wants the Dems nomination it's she's for talking.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The government shut down vs, Obamacare which is bigger poison to there party?

The government shut down vs. Obamacare which is bigger poison to there party? Virginia race for Governor proves both are toxic to the parties.Ken Cuccinelli lost because of government shut,it hit northern Virginia very hard,hit his campaign closed hard and he make a huge gap polls just barely losing because Obamacare seem to be a nightmare,not only the rollout because many people are losing the insurance they like despite the President promise if like your insurance you can keep.And message that Obamacare ain't seen by many Americans are heaven scent,but rather devil's brew has struck home with many democrats,indeed,16 democratic senator meet with Obama yesterday sort crying in there beer about future and how can defend Obamacare and get elected.
However the Republican brand hit rock bottom with shut down,yet clowns on Right-wing talk radio see biggest clown Senator Ted Cruz as a God sent,and indeed,he is for the democrats. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The lion roars again for U.K service economy is outperforming all of Europe.

The lion roars again for U.K service economy is outperforming all of Europe and U.S too! David Cameron who looked dead in the water not long ago,now seems ready for victory.Of course,if Scotland leaves the U.K that will help Tories a great deal,for think Scotland has about 59 MPs,but only one is Tory the are Labor or National Scottish Party or liberal-Democrats.Yes,northern england is strongly Labor,wales is too but a Tory can win seats there and South East England is Tory land.Eventhough coalition includes the Liberal-Democrats the U.K doesn't love coalitions,indeed,this one is first for seventy years,hence,one party must go and it would the Liberal-Democrats.
Brazil heading for housing bubble? Maybe making same mistake as U.S in pushing home ownership for everybody as government policy.
New mayor of New York Bill De Blasio a commie.Supported Sandinistas in 80's and hasn't back away from his support doesn't say I was young and stupid back then says he's proud of support for marxist terrorists proving his now old and stupid

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Today is election day in good old New Jersey

Today is election day in good old New Jersey,and I am on ballot,running for council in borough(town) of Fort Lee.Since I running as Republican,in very Democratic town 3 to 1 edge for the Democrats.However,Chris Christie the Governor is very popular should win New Jersey by double digits and maybe even carry Fort Lee but don't think so,but this year,in New Jersey not the nation, Republican could win Fort Lee.The last Republican to win a council seat in Fort Lee was Joan Voss I think it was 1994.Since then Ms.Voss has become a Democratic and she now Freeholder(a county legislator in New Jersey)for Bergen she isn't up for re-election this year.The Freehold board in Bergen County is made up of seven member four Democratic and three Republicans.All three Republicans are up for re-election and because of Christie they might win but it most likely would be close.Bergen County once was powerhouse for Republicans but those days are long gone,today it's Democratic county but a Republican still can win.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

John Randolph an original American political thinker

John Randolph an original American political thinker.His ideological principles are summed up in his declaration,"I am a aristocrat.I love liberty:I hate equality." A bizarre figure Randolph numbered Pocahontas among his forebears.He became more eccentric in his later years .He is chiefly remembered  for his epigrammatic wit and caustic tongue ,he also possessed a billiant and scholarly mind.Randolph was celebrated as an orator,indeed,when in Congress people would come in hear Randolph,some say he is father of fillibuster because so eloquent with spoken word that would speak and speak and people would listen and listen until the legustation he oppese would die.
He was member of America's first family in history,the Randolphs.Thomas Jefferson and John Marshall were both his cousins.
He was believer in Jefferson's view of government,liberty States Rights were at center and great impact in the South with Democratic Party.   

Saturday, November 2, 2013

I like IKE,ypu like IKE,everybody likes IKE.

In 1952 when Dwight D.Eisenhower ran for President,there was a tone,a song shown with cartoon and it went like this I like IKE,you like IKE everybody likes IKE and funny thing it was true,indeed,America was in love with war time hero general IKE,a man of little ego and very likeable.I saw the cartoon played with song back in 1984 at the Smithsonian,I heard again today watching documentary,on public T.V,Eisenhower secret war,base on Evan Thomas(a very fine writer and although he is grandson of Norman Thomas know Socialist,who ran many times for President and once was admirer of RFK,Evan over years has become more conservative)book "Eisenhower bluff."
Funny earler today a scene from documentary cross my mind.It a rally for Eisenhower at Madison Square Garden,Clark Gable was MC,full of Hollywood bigwig,not executives,but actors big name,it could never happen today,of course,no Hollywood big named actor would ever support a Republican,it's sort against there religion.
And before seeing the documentary,I also throught of that tone,song I like IKE,you like IKE,everybody likes IKE.
 Of course,the documentary showed much of 1952 Republican convention but didn't show one colorful highlights or lowlights depending on your view.When Taft supporter,the very colorful Everett Dirksen was speaking,Governor Thomas Dewey walk in and Dirksen spotting him in corner of his eye,said,"you have let us down road of defeat twice before now trying to do third time"the crowd went crazy and Dirksen throw away his chance to be Eisenhower running mate and Nixon became the one.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Juan Williams five percent augument doesn't cut it.

Juan Williams five percent argument doesn't cut it.On Fox News Juan Williams said,what's the big deal with people losing their health insurance,it only effect five percent(who buy individual policies) of the people.Hello,Juan I'm one five percent and can you imagine if five percent of public who takes air travel would die in crash and the head of F.A.A would say it's only five percent of the public dies in air travel the public would go crazy.