Friday, November 22, 2013

John F. Kennedy legacy Vietnam?

Today is fifty anniversary of Kennedy assassination.Unfortunately,over years there have been so many lies told about assassination,mainly from conspiracy people,and about JFK's politics and two are melted together because the belief push by many conspiracy people was JFK was murdered by the C.I.A or F.B.I or some vast right-wing conspiracy.But the truth is JFK was man of Right,indeed,he was the architect of the Vietnam War,he was ultimate cold warrior,he ran in 1960 that  United States had missile gap with Soviet Union,in other word the Soviet had more missile then us,it was lie but spend so much defence spending when he was President.And Joseph McCarthy was almost like another Kennedy brother.
But you will heard a lot crap about JFK being a liberal.You won't heard that Oswald was Communist,indeed,he defected to Soviet Union before he returned to the States and murder Kennedy.And won't heard the father of conspiracy theories Mark Lane(of Jonetown fame)was also a Communist.No this goea against what media and acdemics want people to know.So phony JFK people believe fueled by hatred of America.

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