Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The lion roars again for U.K service economy is outperforming all of Europe.

The lion roars again for U.K service economy is outperforming all of Europe and U.S too! David Cameron who looked dead in the water not long ago,now seems ready for victory.Of course,if Scotland leaves the U.K that will help Tories a great deal,for think Scotland has about 59 MPs,but only one is Tory the are Labor or National Scottish Party or liberal-Democrats.Yes,northern england is strongly Labor,wales is too but a Tory can win seats there and South East England is Tory land.Eventhough coalition includes the Liberal-Democrats the U.K doesn't love coalitions,indeed,this one is first for seventy years,hence,one party must go and it would the Liberal-Democrats.
Brazil heading for housing bubble? Maybe making same mistake as U.S in pushing home ownership for everybody as government policy.
New mayor of New York Bill De Blasio a commie.Supported Sandinistas in 80's and hasn't back away from his support doesn't say I was young and stupid back then says he's proud of support for marxist terrorists proving his now old and stupid

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