Thursday, November 7, 2013

The government shut down vs, Obamacare which is bigger poison to there party?

The government shut down vs. Obamacare which is bigger poison to there party? Virginia race for Governor proves both are toxic to the parties.Ken Cuccinelli lost because of government shut,it hit northern Virginia very hard,hit his campaign closed hard and he make a huge gap polls just barely losing because Obamacare seem to be a nightmare,not only the rollout because many people are losing the insurance they like despite the President promise if like your insurance you can keep.And message that Obamacare ain't seen by many Americans are heaven scent,but rather devil's brew has struck home with many democrats,indeed,16 democratic senator meet with Obama yesterday sort crying in there beer about future and how can defend Obamacare and get elected.
However the Republican brand hit rock bottom with shut down,yet clowns on Right-wing talk radio see biggest clown Senator Ted Cruz as a God sent,and indeed,he is for the democrats. 

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