Sunday, November 3, 2013

John Randolph an original American political thinker

John Randolph an original American political thinker.His ideological principles are summed up in his declaration,"I am a aristocrat.I love liberty:I hate equality." A bizarre figure Randolph numbered Pocahontas among his forebears.He became more eccentric in his later years .He is chiefly remembered  for his epigrammatic wit and caustic tongue ,he also possessed a billiant and scholarly mind.Randolph was celebrated as an orator,indeed,when in Congress people would come in hear Randolph,some say he is father of fillibuster because so eloquent with spoken word that would speak and speak and people would listen and listen until the legustation he oppese would die.
He was member of America's first family in history,the Randolphs.Thomas Jefferson and John Marshall were both his cousins.
He was believer in Jefferson's view of government,liberty States Rights were at center and great impact in the South with Democratic Party.   

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