Friday, October 31, 2014

Something is rotten in I.R.S

Yesterday,I recieved a notice from I.R.S.It wasn't a bill but I.R.S stated I had under reported my income.That didn't bother me,maybe there wrong or right,for have dyslexia and I not the most organize person in the world and have many small amount of dividend income who's statements can be easily lost.What disturbed this morning as watch T.V,I have caller I.D it appears on T.V screen as a call from public phone,hencforth,I answer and it recording staing I being sueed by the I.R.S give number to call them.Well,I hang up phone,I have dyslexia but doesn't mean I stupid(something I wish the world would understand)I smell a scam.So try to contact I.R.S to inform something maybe a miss in there organization.But it's impossible,I go line looking for a number and nothing but confussion.Then I called the 800 number on the notice and put hold it seems forevermore,finally I get tried of waiting, so try the number for general inspector office,get Philadelphia number the man isn't in,leave  a message he hasn't gotten back to me yet and don't know if he's right person to contact!
I have high blood pressure,this last thing need.I know I get too upset over such things,but I feel my government is at the best is indifference to my problems,and at the worst is hostile.I mean,try to be good citizen,indeed,that's why running for city council in Fort Lee(tecnically Fort Lee is a borough),New Jersey.For love my country but there are times I think why am I put through the ringer,people far less then me are giving breaks in this society while society wants to break me.Now I am at the end of the road,I'm 61 years old and having dysleixia with a Jewish mother was too to deal with-boy life is unfair and fear someday I would be homeless and destitute!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Now that we need you where are you Orde Wingate?

Unfortunately his body lies in Arlington National Cemetery.For was killed in a plane in Burma in 1944 fighting the Japanese.For he understand the only way to fight the Japanese in Burma was by counter penetration,so he organize and started the Chindits-specially trained jungle-fighters.
Wingate had gained experience organizing special forces in Palestine(now Israel) in 1936-1939-the Jewish 'Night Squads' against the Arabs.Indeed,in a way,Wingate was father of the Israeli military for Moshe Dayan was a student of Wingate.The British authorities in Palestine sent Wingate packing in 1939 because he was seems as too pro-Jewish and indeed he was Christian Zionist. 
Wingate was a military genius who understand guerrilla and counter-insurgency warfare and boy could we use him now!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The house of Saud divided?

The house of Saud divided? On Fox Business News,Maria Bartiromo(I believe once the money honey) Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal( of Kingdom Holding and he ,is in a way,the Arab Warren Buffett) took issue if Saudi policy of driving down the price of oil.The belief is the Saudi want to punish the Iranians,Russians and Venezuela,who are on verge of break down anyway.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

C.E.O of Total,French oil company dies in plane crash in Russian.

C.E.O Christophe de Margerie of Total(a French Oil Company one biggest in the world)dies in a plane crash in Moscow.Suspicious? I don't know the story is the plane ran into snow removal equipment.But I am reminded not that long a Polish plane crash in Russian,it was full of Polish officals,including the President,to mark the occasion of Polish soldiers being murdered by the Soviets in World War Two.It was supposed be investigated but I have heard nothing came about the investigation.Any time now Putin is the man in Russian there is crash of plane with somebody important red flags should go up. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Re dux 2008 with the false belief in decoupling and is breaking up hard to do for the Euro?

Re dux 2008 with the false belief in decoupling from Europe.Is breaking up hard to do with Euro?
Back 2008 before financial collapse,many went on air and said not worry about Europe because there is decoupling from Europe but then the deck of cards tumbling down and world face a derepression.Save by FED and other central bank? Anybodies guess,but truth is financial have become addicted to easy money.
Paul Krugman said it's circa 1937.Which is interesting because people like myself on the Right,will say 1937 proves the New Deal a failure,however,Paul Krugman the New Deal didn't go far enough.Interest book on the subject,"The Forgotten Man" by Amity Shlaes.She takes my poition that New Deal was a failure.
Much talk about Europe's different cultures,I heard it describe as the Teutonic North verse Club Med(Southern Europe).Italy is the trouble spot now,it seems,may be it will pull out Euro.But Germany needs the Euro because it live on export and the Mark would valued much higher,hence,more expensive good from Germany maybe leads to less buying of there goods.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Will the drop in the price of oil do to Putin what West couldn't?

Will the drop in the price of oil do to Putin What couldn't? Just few weeks ago,Senator John McCain said,"Russian was gas station in lieu of country".Because the Stock Market in New York and around world is tanking,and U.S teasury 10 years have interest now below 2 percent,German Government bond are below one percent the criss in Russian has gone unnotice.Currency controls won't solve the Russians problems but pain cause by the sanctions or slide in the price of oil?

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Stephen Roach,a Yale Proffessor, weather he knows it or not, is advocating Say's Law

STephen,a Yale Professor weather he knows or not,is advocating Say's Law.For heard the Professor say on T.V for thirty or forty the American economy has depended on consumer spending not saving and investment and it's about time we save more and invest more,eching Say's Law.For Say's Law says saving equals investment,which mean you produce more hence you create demand.
Say's Law is a apostasy to much of the academic economic world.You see,unless you are blind,the economic academic world has there God John Maynard Keynes,who believe it's demand stupid,consumer spending is what drive an economy,henceforth,Americans save little alway living on the edge,perhap Say's Law should be in the choir of academic men.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Martin Feldstein says Europe sick man of world economy,however, U.S should grew 3 to 3.5 percent

I saw Martin Feldstein(Ronald Reagan's chief economist and note Harvard Economic Professor) on Bloomberg T.V the other day.He said,Europe was the sick man of world economy,but it'a effect on U.S economy is very slim,pointing out only about 15% of U.S economy depends on foreign trade,and of course not all trade is with Europe,he went on say the U.S economy should 3 to 3 and half percent a year.
I remember at the beginning of the Obama Administration how Sean Hannity lied about Martin Feldstein and perhaps trying to appeal the anti-semitics in his audience.When Obama  appointed Martin Feldstein to the Economic Recovery Advisory Board(one of those phony things politicians do make boards that are meanless,indeed,I think you court the time meet on hand in six years)Hannity went on rant,on how Feldstein was on the board of A.I.G(which was true,but he went on how Obama and Feldstein were close buddies,what a lie! Feldstein and Obama never had private in their lives and Feldstein is very much a critic of Obama's economic policies.
Now Hannity might have appealing to anti-semitics in his audience,but he is very Pro-Israel.A few weeks ago he visited Israel and said sometime quite misleading.He was describing a Kibbutz as some sort of village,but a Kibbutz is a collective farm.But Hannity to tell truth would be a problem since denounces collectivism all time.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Is Obama another Neville Chamberlain or Herbert Asquith?

Is Obama another Neville Chamberlain or Herbert Asquith? For there are similar with all three men,all poor war leader,lacking inspiration to lead,indeed,their hearts weren't  the fight at least in Obama's and Chamberlain against evil -World War One(WW1) not so easy to tell the good guys from bad.
All three were more interested in domestic policy then foreign policy.Indeed,if Asquith wasn't such a lackluster leader in WW1 his role history might him a great man,or one that affected the modern world.For he instituted Old Age Pension and national health insurance,forerunner of the Welfare State.
History too might have treated Chamberlain differently if not policy of Appeasement and the Munich Agreement.For domestic Chamberlain was a reform,for example when he was Minister of Health he got rid of Poor Laws and replace with far more humane Unemployment Assistance.
Now how history judge Obama? The feckless way he has dealt with the Jihadist,I think will overshadow any good he has done.
Of course,I always like what Churchill about history.When ask how does he think history will treat him? Churchill came up with a gem:  for said,"history will treat quite well,for I shall write it."

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

IMF gloomy Japanese like Hong Kong to invest and sell Germany

IMF gloomy about economy growth.Japenese like Hong Kong(believe or not) to put their money in,selling assets in Germany.Of course,the Japanese own about billion in U.S Governments bond, foreign second largest holder of U.S Bonds,of course Ciana(the middle Kingdom) is largest foreign holder.U.S Banks hold a lot U.S Government Bond to meet tougher require requires,but couther the FED easy money policy but does save money for U.S Government because demand is higher that nature,hence,price is higher than should be,which keeps the interest on bonds lower.However the bank get very little return for income on the bonds,plus it ties up capital which bank could lend out.

Monday, October 6, 2014

U.S.A strong jobs report,however,wages are flat and many have left looking for work.

U.S.A strong jobs report,however,wages are flat and many have stop looking for work or drop out finding work.Less pressure on the Federal Reserve System to raise interest,despite that U.S Dollar is gaining strength economics is no longer the science dismay,but rather,confusion.
M&A activity seems on rise,why? Stock cheap,assets cheap? It doesn't seem so,but all relative and so is valuation.It's hard to know what's up with the economy,henceforth,how to make money!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Bond king dethroned,did Bill Gross gross out Pimco?

Bond king dethroned,did Bill Gross gross out Pimco? Big news,but neither David Tepper or Warren Buffett think so,Bill Gross his left Pimco,no doubt just before firing squad,and has made a safe landing at Janus.
Now in the economy there dichotomy,the Federal Reserve System(the FED) is giving money away to banks,hoping the banks will start lending more,so there be more investment in factories,plants and equipment creating jobs.The trouble is at same time the FED is giving money aways to the bank it insist on higher reserve requirements,which makes money tighter,along all fines the government is putting on the bank and less is likely to lend out.
When people talk about the money supply they just think in term of interest rates,not velocity of money(how quickly it turn over) ,indeed,you can have zero interest(and some extent that's what we have today)but people don't turn over the money(spent it,or invest it) the money supply isn't going increase,henceforth,interest rates become irrevent and this a sign of weak economy.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hong Kong cries for freedom but is anyone listening

Hong Kong cries for freedom but is anyone listening? The people Hong Kong want to open the door again so they cry out.It's obvious Beijing doesn't know what to do,but I think they will play a waiting game,hoping passions will cool down,knowing the outside world won't lift a finger to help the people of Hong Kong gain there freedom back.