Thursday, October 16, 2014

Re dux 2008 with the false belief in decoupling and is breaking up hard to do for the Euro?

Re dux 2008 with the false belief in decoupling from Europe.Is breaking up hard to do with Euro?
Back 2008 before financial collapse,many went on air and said not worry about Europe because there is decoupling from Europe but then the deck of cards tumbling down and world face a derepression.Save by FED and other central bank? Anybodies guess,but truth is financial have become addicted to easy money.
Paul Krugman said it's circa 1937.Which is interesting because people like myself on the Right,will say 1937 proves the New Deal a failure,however,Paul Krugman the New Deal didn't go far enough.Interest book on the subject,"The Forgotten Man" by Amity Shlaes.She takes my poition that New Deal was a failure.
Much talk about Europe's different cultures,I heard it describe as the Teutonic North verse Club Med(Southern Europe).Italy is the trouble spot now,it seems,may be it will pull out Euro.But Germany needs the Euro because it live on export and the Mark would valued much higher,hence,more expensive good from Germany maybe leads to less buying of there goods.

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