Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Now that we need you where are you Orde Wingate?

Unfortunately his body lies in Arlington National Cemetery.For was killed in a plane in Burma in 1944 fighting the Japanese.For he understand the only way to fight the Japanese in Burma was by counter penetration,so he organize and started the Chindits-specially trained jungle-fighters.
Wingate had gained experience organizing special forces in Palestine(now Israel) in 1936-1939-the Jewish 'Night Squads' against the Arabs.Indeed,in a way,Wingate was father of the Israeli military for Moshe Dayan was a student of Wingate.The British authorities in Palestine sent Wingate packing in 1939 because he was seems as too pro-Jewish and indeed he was Christian Zionist. 
Wingate was a military genius who understand guerrilla and counter-insurgency warfare and boy could we use him now!

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