Thursday, October 9, 2014

Is Obama another Neville Chamberlain or Herbert Asquith?

Is Obama another Neville Chamberlain or Herbert Asquith? For there are similar with all three men,all poor war leader,lacking inspiration to lead,indeed,their hearts weren't  the fight at least in Obama's and Chamberlain against evil -World War One(WW1) not so easy to tell the good guys from bad.
All three were more interested in domestic policy then foreign policy.Indeed,if Asquith wasn't such a lackluster leader in WW1 his role history might him a great man,or one that affected the modern world.For he instituted Old Age Pension and national health insurance,forerunner of the Welfare State.
History too might have treated Chamberlain differently if not policy of Appeasement and the Munich Agreement.For domestic Chamberlain was a reform,for example when he was Minister of Health he got rid of Poor Laws and replace with far more humane Unemployment Assistance.
Now how history judge Obama? The feckless way he has dealt with the Jihadist,I think will overshadow any good he has done.
Of course,I always like what Churchill about history.When ask how does he think history will treat him? Churchill came up with a gem:  for said,"history will treat quite well,for I shall write it."

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