Saturday, October 11, 2014

Martin Feldstein says Europe sick man of world economy,however, U.S should grew 3 to 3.5 percent

I saw Martin Feldstein(Ronald Reagan's chief economist and note Harvard Economic Professor) on Bloomberg T.V the other day.He said,Europe was the sick man of world economy,but it'a effect on U.S economy is very slim,pointing out only about 15% of U.S economy depends on foreign trade,and of course not all trade is with Europe,he went on say the U.S economy should 3 to 3 and half percent a year.
I remember at the beginning of the Obama Administration how Sean Hannity lied about Martin Feldstein and perhaps trying to appeal the anti-semitics in his audience.When Obama  appointed Martin Feldstein to the Economic Recovery Advisory Board(one of those phony things politicians do make boards that are meanless,indeed,I think you court the time meet on hand in six years)Hannity went on rant,on how Feldstein was on the board of A.I.G(which was true,but he went on how Obama and Feldstein were close buddies,what a lie! Feldstein and Obama never had private in their lives and Feldstein is very much a critic of Obama's economic policies.
Now Hannity might have appealing to anti-semitics in his audience,but he is very Pro-Israel.A few weeks ago he visited Israel and said sometime quite misleading.He was describing a Kibbutz as some sort of village,but a Kibbutz is a collective farm.But Hannity to tell truth would be a problem since denounces collectivism all time.

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