Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The economic on the rocks?

The economic on the rocks? Who knows so many mixed signals:Stock Market down for two days lead by energy companies,however,U.S Steel up by 3 dollars maybe a sign of good time,however,Ethan Allen the furniture maker was down and furniture is sign of economic,in good times people buy,in bad times they don't,however,Boeing stock reach an all time high.
Both the U.s Dollar and gold are up,how can that be? The Swiss franc now free flows and Greece has given the finger to europe.Crazy to know what laya ahead.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The good,the bad and ugly in Freedom forum.

The good,the bad and ugly in Freedom forum sponsored by Steve King in Iowa.
The good:Surprisingly Scott Walker,I told he's boring but wasn't and made good point about he's one of few governors that lower property taxes.
To my surprise Rick Santorum was good:I thought he try to appeal to caveman caucus but he didn't he talk about unity,very strange for Right Republican but the Santorum surprises for try to appeal working class very unusually for a Republican.The problem Santorum is alway unhappy,he must be Jewish(that's joke).
No surprise Mike Huckabee,who I think is best communicated of the lot,was good.Huckabee's problem beside raising money will be the clemency he give a man in Arkansas,who was released from jail early and went on murder people in Washington State.
Chris Christie was very good,now last may I was the Jewish value meeting where Christie spoke and he was excellent,talk about American exceptionalism.Now Governor Perry was also there a spoke he was pandering to Jewish crowd,however,Perry was good at Freedom Forum
Now the bad: Governor Palin she's too pretty to be ugly but she was bad.
The ugly Ted Cruz too much bombast and Donald Trump who is rump and nasty attachs on Bush family was in poor taste.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Is Larry Fink(of Blackrock) a fink?

I saw Larry Fink on Bloomberg T.V in Davos and said some interesting things:one worry about U.S economy,overprice dollar will hurt U.S companies,in short lower oil prices means many layoffs in energy industry and less capital spending will hurt economy,in long run lower energy prices good for consumer(however I will remind Mr.Fink what John Maynard Keynes once said in the long ran we are all dead).Fink also said the Swiss by removing their control in their currency,which mean a higher value for the Swiss Franc will lead to recession in Switzerland and if it doesn't the Right-wing in Germany will put pressure on government to leave the Euro.Germany of course,live on export and Euro is far cheaper than would be the Mark,hence,a cheap currency means one goods oversea are cheap,hence,people will buy them keeping your factory at home humming.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Russian Spy ship in Havana equals the Zimmermann Telegram?

A Russian spy ship in Havana equals the Zimmermann Telegram? First one has to know what was Zimmermann Telegram.Arthur Zimmermann,one of biggest fools ever on the world scene I mean if it wasn't for him Russian may not have turn Communist.For Zimmerman the fool who allow Lenin to leave Switzerland,by railcar,go through Germany and enter Russian,to lead revolution and get Russia out of the war.Which occurred but at the end day of the it was pyrrhic victory,for all especially for Zimmermann's Faustian backfired big time,yes Russian left the war but the United States entry and part because of the Zimmermann Telegram.Zimmermann telegraphed the German ambassador to Mexico,directing him to made offer to Mexico government that if allied themselves with Germany they could reconquer Texas,New Mexico, and Arizona.
British intelligence intercepted and decoded the telegram and show it to Americans a step leading the U.S.A entering the war.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Is Ted Cruz the new Ronald Reagan?

Maybe I was wrong about Ted Cruz,for I(that is me) thought(which leads to headaches) him a fool a clown.However this morning,I was watching C-Span and saw Ted Cruz speak in front of Heritage Society and he was brilliant,so on point.How can man seem brilliant,and yet support a stupid strategy of shuting down the government?
I mean,in his speech today Cruz reminded me of Ronald Reagan.I man we need today,for Reagan was greatness President of 20 century,for when you win war(the Cold War) without firing a bullet that's pretty remarkable thing.And if don't think Reagan was great just look at map,now true enough Obama and Putin(perfect together) are trying to undo that map.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Maybe happy days aren't here again.

Lately much talk on how economy in the U.S anyway is looking good:job growth,low inflation(although many economists worry about deflation) and until recently a stock that goes up and up.But there are clouds in this silver lining,for example the head of IMF stated the U.S economy is good but rest of the world is bad,well remember back in 2007 and 2008 the U.S was doing good and Europe wasn't but we were told not worry for there is de-coupling wrong by end of 2008 the U.S economy was down the tubes.Also worry the price gold is going up,but copper is down(five year low) and Vix is going up yet volume in the market is low.Maybe happy days aren't here again.

Unlike the great whore Diana George VI was a real nobleman.

The world went nuts when Lady Diana died.What was her claim to fame? That she marry that moron Charles? I mean,she slept with many of men,no lady was she,but come again she was married to Charles so can blame her.But the reaction here in the States was ridiculous,I heard on T.V one lady say she was one us.What nonsense Lady Diana was privilege slut end of story.
George VI was great man and that's last thing he wanted to be,sly never wanted to be king hatred the spotlight,but unlkie many royals,including his brother,George had strong sense duty,to serve the nation he loved.In World War Two George can have moved out London or even to Canada BUT LIKE A GREAT LEADER HE STAY HOME risking being killed by German bombs.A true hero now forgoten,although in rent years there was very good movie about him,"The King Speech" and class live on in his daughter Elizabeth but her children leave much to be desire for Royals.

What non-German group make up the only non-German Division of the S.S?

Why our friends the Muslims,the only non-German group to make up a division of S.S were Muslims of  Bosnia.Himmler said,Islam is the best religion for soldiers,because they look at death as prize they don't fear look nominal people.
Now fair to Muslims who were in S.S undoubtedly many were less pro-Nazi and more anti-Communist for the job of 13 Waffen Mountain Division of S.S(the Muslim Division) was to fight Tito's Communist partisan,however,Communists they may be but Tito worked very close to the British,indeed,the British point man in the relationship was Sir Fitzroy Maclean.And interesting note to history when Fitroy Maclean told Churchill Tito was a Communist,Churchill reply was a classic:Churchill said,well I don't live in Yugoslavia!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Stuart Varney and Brent Bozell give out misinfromation about Carlos Slim impact on the New York Times.

Stuart Varney(of Fox News) and Brent Bozell give out misinformation about Carlos Slim impact on the New York Times. Carlos Slim,a Mexican of Lebanese descent,is one richest men in the world.A few years ago had lend the New York Times needed capital,received stock in exchange now 16% but it's class A stock,Class B stock is most of voting stock and it's own 88% by the Ochs-Sulzberger what wasn't mention in Varney's and Bozell critique of Slim's involvement in the New York Times.Varney even went so far,as suggest that Slim would advocate open borders,implying that Slim is from Mexico,henceforth,he favors open borders and Bozell nodded his head.That's racist nonsense,first the New York Times has long favor open borders and the New York Times is considered by many to be a Jewish paper because Adolph Ochs(who brought the paper near bankrupt in 1896 and his family still owns it) was Jewish,although many of descendants are no longer Jews,however Ochs was also very much a Southern(he come from Chattanooga Tenn.) and very proud of his German heritage,indeed,in World War One when many changed German sounding names like the Royal Family of Great Britain and even family of Adolph Ochs changed there name to Oakes,however,Adolph keep the name Ochs,however,the paper for many is a Jewish Left-wing paper,even though it's anti-Israel,but bet you Varney would never call the New York Times a Jewish paper for if he did he lose his job at Fox News.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Should France kick out the Muslims?

Should France kick out the Muslims? I mean,there is much remorse in that community of fools,indeed,one heards complaint ecoh by our stupid media that same things to firer Muslims for refusing to give of moment silence to victims of the terror,as terrorist murder people just moral equivalency does cut the mustard.No by looking for excuses for the terror the Muslim community shows it's self to be medieval,henceforth,should not live in modern society.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hidden value in Bank stocks?

Today J.P Morgan come out with earning:down because of trading and government fines(over billion).Well Fargo profit up a bit because increase business in mortgages.Watching Bloomberg T.V and William Cohan was guest host:he wrote great book,"The Last Tycoons" about Lazard Freres & Company,also wrote not such a great on the Duke Rape scandal,he's racial marshmallow.Cohan is a smart guy,who spent six years at Lazard Freres and was a Managing Director at JP MOrgan before becoming a journalist.He said,banks are making a ton of money because the FED is giving money away and the banks are paying next to nothing for desposit,hence,the souce of inventory(in the case of banks it's money) and agree with Cohan.
I think money can be make in the energy sector,because droping oil prices I believe energy stocks are oversold.I believe energy companies that have a lot of cash in the balance sheet can weather the storm of low energy prices very nicely,hence,they are good long term investment.Remember the old Wall Street saying,"buy your straw hats in the winter time" buy stocks out of favor! 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Is Obama an idiot?

Js Obama an Idiot or does he just play one on T.V? A good question,he is certainly when it comes to foreign policy,is a mental midget.Doesn't under history,believes in third world outlook,America is problem the White Man must be put in his place,hence,he lack soul.He can not fight terrorist because deep down he doesn't think they are evil.He is produce of our education system which teaches hate America.For example school children are teach and reinforced by the media that United States overthrow democratic government in Iran and put Shah in power,but that's only part of story the rest isn't told.For Shah father was overthrown by British and Soviet troops because he was going sell oil to the Nazi.Remember one reason the Nazis lost the war was storage of fuel and this something not know but many people Saudi Arabia refused to sell oil to Nazi,and keep in mind that Ibn Saud hated Jews,he thought they were Communist,he must meet my relatives.When Shah's father was overthrown parliament become the power in Iran.The Shah replace his father as head of monarchy,but it was a toothless position,until 1953 when Prime Minister at time was close to Soviet Union and it was the Cold War and oil again come into play,henceforth,the C.I.A under the direction T.R's grandson stage a coup of sorts and power in Iran come back to the monarchy.

Got a letter to the editor published on 12/9/14,in the NY Daily News, on Grand Jury System.

Got a letter to the editor published on 12/9/14,in the New York Daily News,on the grand jury System.This is what appeared the paper:"Norman Siegel and Ira Glasser want to get rid of the Grand Jury system because it's old(Op-Ed, Dec7) ? Would these gentlemen get rid of habeas corpus,which dates back to 1679? Or our Bill of Rights,which dates back to 1791? Indeed,most of our liberties are rooted in the Magna Carta which dates back to 1215.Grand juries are designed to project the innocent,which is why they  are done in secret.Imagine what would happen to any blacks whose testimony backed Officer Darren Wilson- their life span might be cut short.Now,it's true the grand jury didn't seem to work so well on Staten Island,but you didn't throw the baby out with the bathwater."   

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Arch Moore R.I.P

Back in nineteen seventies I went to college in WV at Shepherd College,it's now a University,it's located in Shepherdstown,a very nice small at least when I went to college which is more than 37 years ago.The governor for most of that time,was a Republican(in those days there were very few Republicans in West Virginia,indeed,the State Senate I think only had one Republican of 30 members,a big difference today now there are 18 Republican giving them a majority for first time since the nineteen twenties unfortunately for one of my best friends in college Ron Miller,who is State Senator in West Virginia today but is a Democrat,now when I knew Ropn he was a Republican)Arch Moore.He died 3 days ago at good age of 91 and saw his daughter Shelley Moore Capito sworn in as U.S Senator from WV.She first Republican to be elect to the U.S Senate from WV since the nineteen fifties.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Does tragedy in Paris have it's roots in de Gaulle decision to leave Algeria.

Old soldiers may not die and just fade away,but many a French soldier,who is most likely dead now,may in their graves be saying I told you so after today's tragic events in Paris.For terrorists although French by born were no doubt of Algerian descent.Of course,there is long history between France and Algeria for France saw Algeria not so much as colney,but rather,part France,henceforth,when Algeria became independent it broke the heart of many of the France and Algerian too,indeed,many come France after independence seeking a better life,however,many in the Muslim Community are misanthrope.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Last real liberal Republican died a few days ago.

I was shocked to hear the nasty lady Lady Laura Ingraham state the Republican is no longer a party conservative party.I wonder what planet she's living on it ain't earth.Indeed,just few days the last liberal Republican Edward Brooke died.Believe or not,Brooke was African-American and was elect to U.S Senate frm Mass, in 1966,re-elected in 1972 and lost in 1978.It worth noted as the Republican Party turned right,Brooke stays with Republican.I  don't think the same said about Right-wing looney birds,who will jump ship if suits them,no doubt somebody loke Ted Cruz will bolt party and ran as a third party candidacy,hence, guaranteeing victory to Left-wing Democrat. 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Got a letter to the editor published on 12/30/14 in Record about a man of grace.

Got a letter to the editor published on 12/30/14 in the Record(of Bergen County).Cass Sunstein,who worked in Obama government wrote a piece praising George W. Bush for his silence about the Obama government.I wrote a letter to editor in responds to Cass Sunstein piece and this is what appeared in paper:"Columnist Cass Sunstein is right.President George W. Bush is a man of grace.Indeed,his silence in dealing with the Obama administration is golden.For Bush cares more for presidency than personal pique.
It's a sign of class;a concept no longer in vogue in politics and hencforth,society is the great loser when men and women of power act like children.
Perhaps,much can be learned from the dignity of the Bushes,but I rather doubt.For today politics it's all about one's self not the nation."

Friday, January 2, 2015

The dollar is king in weak lands like Russia and Argentina.

On CNN today saw a story people in Moscow demonstrating,that they can't afford their mortgages because denominated in foreign currencies.Obviously the Russian Banks knew the Ruble would be worthless so they wanted to be pay back in currency that was worth something,henceforth,mortgages in foreign currency like the dollar.
Watching Bloomberg T.V the Latin America gal said,big deal in Argentina are done dollars not pesos
because the Argentine peso is worthless.
Funny not long ago,there was much talk about replacing the U.S Dollar as international reserve currency. Of course, in early 1970's during the oil embargo it was said the Arabs would overtake tthe U.S as world economic power,then in late 1970's it was Japan to rule the world,of course,Japan has been in recession the last twenty years,now China the smart people say will rule the roost.But somehow the U.S always seems to come out on top I think because we know the smart people ain't that smart.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Pat Buchanan and Obama soul mates on Russian? Oy!!!

Pat Buchanan and Obama soul mates on Russian? Oy!!! The Obama Administration believes in appeasement anywhere at any price.Now they seek to use Henry Kissinger,like ghost Christmas past,to save their bacon to get train started for rapprochement with Russia,but the train wouldn't move from station.
I heard om McLaughlin the caveman Pat Buchanan say Putin is man we can to business.What type of business is taking about? Monkey business.Buchanan is good write but so much the fool for Putin is like rat the more cornered the more dangerous,not fellow you want to do business with.

Is it the beginning of end for Putin?

A few days ago,on T.V I was watching European Journey(a T.V show dealing what's happening in Europe) and saw a story about a rally in Moscow against Putin and it was lead by Alexei Navalny now this story,as far as,I know hasn't received any coverage in American media.Maybe the beginning of end for Putin? Russian is receiving enough attention in America media,by the media in the U.S is dominated by hair blow morons.