Friday, January 16, 2015

Stuart Varney and Brent Bozell give out misinfromation about Carlos Slim impact on the New York Times.

Stuart Varney(of Fox News) and Brent Bozell give out misinformation about Carlos Slim impact on the New York Times. Carlos Slim,a Mexican of Lebanese descent,is one richest men in the world.A few years ago had lend the New York Times needed capital,received stock in exchange now 16% but it's class A stock,Class B stock is most of voting stock and it's own 88% by the Ochs-Sulzberger what wasn't mention in Varney's and Bozell critique of Slim's involvement in the New York Times.Varney even went so far,as suggest that Slim would advocate open borders,implying that Slim is from Mexico,henceforth,he favors open borders and Bozell nodded his head.That's racist nonsense,first the New York Times has long favor open borders and the New York Times is considered by many to be a Jewish paper because Adolph Ochs(who brought the paper near bankrupt in 1896 and his family still owns it) was Jewish,although many of descendants are no longer Jews,however Ochs was also very much a Southern(he come from Chattanooga Tenn.) and very proud of his German heritage,indeed,in World War One when many changed German sounding names like the Royal Family of Great Britain and even family of Adolph Ochs changed there name to Oakes,however,Adolph keep the name Ochs,however,the paper for many is a Jewish Left-wing paper,even though it's anti-Israel,but bet you Varney would never call the New York Times a Jewish paper for if he did he lose his job at Fox News.

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