Sunday, January 18, 2015

Unlike the great whore Diana George VI was a real nobleman.

The world went nuts when Lady Diana died.What was her claim to fame? That she marry that moron Charles? I mean,she slept with many of men,no lady was she,but come again she was married to Charles so can blame her.But the reaction here in the States was ridiculous,I heard on T.V one lady say she was one us.What nonsense Lady Diana was privilege slut end of story.
George VI was great man and that's last thing he wanted to be,sly never wanted to be king hatred the spotlight,but unlkie many royals,including his brother,George had strong sense duty,to serve the nation he loved.In World War Two George can have moved out London or even to Canada BUT LIKE A GREAT LEADER HE STAY HOME risking being killed by German bombs.A true hero now forgoten,although in rent years there was very good movie about him,"The King Speech" and class live on in his daughter Elizabeth but her children leave much to be desire for Royals.

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