Saturday, January 3, 2015

Got a letter to the editor published on 12/30/14 in Record about a man of grace.

Got a letter to the editor published on 12/30/14 in the Record(of Bergen County).Cass Sunstein,who worked in Obama government wrote a piece praising George W. Bush for his silence about the Obama government.I wrote a letter to editor in responds to Cass Sunstein piece and this is what appeared in paper:"Columnist Cass Sunstein is right.President George W. Bush is a man of grace.Indeed,his silence in dealing with the Obama administration is golden.For Bush cares more for presidency than personal pique.
It's a sign of class;a concept no longer in vogue in politics and hencforth,society is the great loser when men and women of power act like children.
Perhaps,much can be learned from the dignity of the Bushes,but I rather doubt.For today politics it's all about one's self not the nation."

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