Sunday, January 11, 2015

Got a letter to the editor published on 12/9/14,in the NY Daily News, on Grand Jury System.

Got a letter to the editor published on 12/9/14,in the New York Daily News,on the grand jury System.This is what appeared the paper:"Norman Siegel and Ira Glasser want to get rid of the Grand Jury system because it's old(Op-Ed, Dec7) ? Would these gentlemen get rid of habeas corpus,which dates back to 1679? Or our Bill of Rights,which dates back to 1791? Indeed,most of our liberties are rooted in the Magna Carta which dates back to 1215.Grand juries are designed to project the innocent,which is why they  are done in secret.Imagine what would happen to any blacks whose testimony backed Officer Darren Wilson- their life span might be cut short.Now,it's true the grand jury didn't seem to work so well on Staten Island,but you didn't throw the baby out with the bathwater."   

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