Monday, February 4, 2013

Ed Koch R.I.P

Today was Ed Koch's funeral,he died the other day and today(2/4/13) I got letter to the editor published today in the New York Post about Koch.The letter states,"Mr. New York is no more.With the death of Koch,it's like we lost a part of history.
He was a complex man,bold and combative with a sense of mission and joy.
As strange as it sounds,in a way,he was New York's Ronald Reagan.
He changed the direction of New York politics from the philosophy of goodies for all,which almost bankrupts the city,to some sort of fiscal discipline.
And one could just imagine as Koch goes through those Pearly Gates and sees the Lord,Koch will ask "How 'm I doing?" And the Lord would say,"Just fine Ed."

I bet me comparing Koch to Reagan  drove the liberals crazy, but it's true both were hated by the Left,although you never know by the funeral.I mean Bill Clinton give eulogy they weren't close and think even Schumer got into act.Koch didn't like Schumer;after all,Schumer defeated his buddy Al D'Amato.And why didn't Al D'Amato give the eulogy maybe because of politics? Which is strange what made Koch so special is he wasn't afraid to endorse Republicans,indeed, he even endorse George W. Bush for President in 2004.Yet the funeral had none that it seems to be run by Democrats,many who detested him in his lifetime,for Democrats.

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