Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Rush Limbaugh is a fool for wants Republicans to become the stupid party

We all know Rush Limbaugh has problems with his hearing,but I wish he heard wise words of  the Governor of Louisiana Bobby Jindal about Republican party being the stupid party. Rush lives dream world,or maybe doesn't about country anymore just his radio show.He attack Karl Rove for going candidates like Sharron Angle,Christine O'Donnell and Todd Akin.All losers,and with Ms.Angle and Mr.Akin not pleasure people both defeated electable conservatives and there candidates might cost us a conservative majority in Senate.So Rove is trying to do is booster conservative movement not hurt it-Limbaugh is doing opposite and I suspect he knows but doesn't care.And pushes this nonsense about establishment Republicans,like they are clones of liberal Democrats and that is simply a lie.Again Limbaugh knows it but he wants to feed red meat to yahoos who pay for grand lifestyle.
Yes,sometime the Tea Party gets it right,like do in with Marco Rubio and Texas even though the establishment candidate was very conservative the Tea Party candidate was better and Ted Cruz is superstar in making but Tea Party has back many bad candidates like Ms.Angle and that's OK but lack smarts and courage to admit to mistake and makes them foolish.
And  Limbaugh heritage it's self is pure establishment:yeah,he didn't do well in school,which only proves his smart guy;however,his family is full of high breed lawyer,indeed,his grandfather was our ambassador to India in Eisenhower administration and can't get more establishment then that!

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