Thursday, February 21, 2013

Rand Paul the new John Kennedy?

Rand Paul the new John Kennedy? What I'm I crazy? Rand Paul and John Kennedy how can what be? Simple John Kennedy,unlike brother Joe,understand his father was off charts politically,but knew he couldn't confront him so work around him.You see John Kennedy was far more grandson of Fitzgerald,the mayor of Boston then Joe's son.If Joe Jr. had lived he never become President too much like old man,a bigot a man who couldn't see the world as it is,believer in old ways,of the Irish of South Boston.
For Rand Paul his father is blessing and curse and think he knows it but never go against his father but will moderate things in such way that attracts more people to him then his father could ever dream of and like Kennedy,Paul has a winning way about him,looks and charm that his father never had,indeed,he just might live out the dreams of his father.
The Republicans big problem is talk radio:people like Rush Limbaugh,Mark Levin do the party no favor,indeed,by attacking people like Karl Rove there killing the G.O.P chances of winning Senate and holding the House in 2014.What's Rove's great crime? He wants winning candidate.Now you can tell me the G.O.P can't better in Todd Akin or in Nevada Sharron Angle(what a dope.)Now Right-Wing talk show host love use sophistry I hear Right-Wing gal on election night on Fox News state that Scott Brown so even moderates lost,but truth is Scott Brown was only moderate Republican that ran and when Republican loses in Massachusetts it's hardly news.
Then the other Mark Levin,who often uses sophistry stated if Senator Cruz or Rubio or Paul had been the G.O.P nominate for President they would win.Maybe,maybe not but they weren't candidates so point is stupid of all candidates that were running Romney was mostly likely the most electable,except maybe guy there hated Huntsman, or maybe Perry if remember three government programs he wanted eliminate the rest field were sure losers and lost far bigger then Romney.

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