Monday, February 18, 2013

The greatest Presidents

George Washington-The greatest of them all, this obvious there can be no other choice.For Washington was first,hence,he set the standard,and indeed,the fact he walk away from power makes perhaps the greatest man of all time.
Abraham Lincoln- He saved the Union and abolish slavery need I say more?
James Knox Polk- A surprise to many no doubt,not household name but should be for gain more territory for United State then any other President.
Thomas Jefferson- Louisiana Purchase
Ronald Wilson Reagan- I know this will drive the Left crazy,but then Left is crazy.Reagan perhaps the most underrated human being in world.For kept the crazy Right in line,win a war without firing a bullet and if don't believe me just look at map.Those mindless people on Left will say Gorbachev ended the Cold War.But honestly does any believe Gorbachev become the head of Soviet Union to see it's demise? And be the way,Reagan didn't end the Cold War he win It!
Franklin Delano Roosevelt-Lead in era of the Great Depression,yes he was too much dictator but in that era Germany produce Hitler and Russia(the Soviet Union) produce Stalin.Also fundamentally change America.Now stupid Right,maybe bigot claim Obama want change fundamentally American,well that's already been done by FDR.
Andrew Jackson-laid principle that no state can seceded from Union and if necessary the Federal government had the right use force and federal law was supper to state law,dealing with South Carlina nullification of  a tariffs of 1828 and 1832.
Woodrow Wilson- for better or worse he is the father of modern Liberalism,which strange for was a racist and a stern Presbyterian.
Dwight Eisenhower- perhaps the most underrated Presidents of them all,for kept the peace and country grow to prosper as never before.

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