Sunday, April 7, 2013

Beyonce and Jay-Z the new royalty.Kim Kardashian the queen of white trash.

Beyonce and Jay-Z the new royalty.We love celebrity,especially America,I don't know why? Funny it use to be Kennedy's that was America's royalty but time moves on and yes flavor become insipid to the shallow public in very short time.
Now jay-Z has become sports agent(like he needs the money?) signing the best player in baseball the Yankees Robinson Cano.
Kim Karashian has become the queen of White trash.You don't know how lucky you are Mr. Basketball player that wench left you.Now true enough Kim Karashian compare to Madonna isn't so trashy.And for you young people who may not not know who Madonna is,well she women you give sluts a bad name.
I sick and tried of excuses in hears for Adam Lanza.He is bullied at school so what! If everybody who's been bullied become a manic murders like Lanza well world wouldn't exist.People,including me have dyslexia and came from broken home,had rough childhood and not easy being adult,indeed, to this very  day many people mock and bully me, yet I understand that's life it's unfair you go on living the best you can.Lanza and his stupid mother are blame for New town Conn. and nobody else ,for the blood of the innocent is on there hand not societies,not NRA,not the government.

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