Thursday, April 4, 2013

The disgrace of Columbia University.

Columbia University,once a pond time know as King's Collage but that was before the American Revolution but then King's Collage as name would indicate was very loyal to the crown.The administration was very anti-American and it's a funny thing the more things change the more they don't.Columbia today is very anti-American,indeed,the other day I read in New York Post that Columbia has given a adjunct professorship to a murder,communist,radical of the sixties Kathy Boudin.Now if Ms.Boudin was white supremacist and not a communist you think Columbia would have given her such a position? Fat chance it's more likely the Pope will become Jewish.
I don't know if Ms.Boudin comes from a wealthy family like her pal Bill Ayers,who's father was the CEO of the utility company for Chicago.And most likely it was daddy's money that kept him out jail,either by buying good lawyers or paying people off in the criminal justice system.People like Ayers and his wife Bernarde Dorn and Boudin are spoiled rotten,children of privilege who opportunities most of us  can only dream of,but they are phony radicals,in a way,for they are so dishonest about themselves they seek the destruction of society, yet it's same society that give them good life and they cause so reckoning,killing people,working class people in the name of social justice.But it is all fraud for if seek justice, one must be just and Ayers,Boudin are not just people just takers.Now of course,Ayers is great educator,no doubt poisoning minds of youth. 

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